we got our PhD in fortnite and campus crushes

we got our PhD in fortnite and campus crushes

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K you envy studios

Unknown Speaker 0:08
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host ginger join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up we try not to break down

Unknown Speaker 0:22
everybody started it started well I miss having the intro to like listen to when we start I don't know if I would dance with it

Unknown Speaker 0:29
tbh tbh

Unknown Speaker 0:35
change it sounds like an episode and Charlize it's so funny.

Unknown Speaker 0:38
Um shout out Jason for making the music but we'll probably make our own intro eventually.

Unknown Speaker 0:46
Jason on the board.

Unknown Speaker 0:47
Also if it sounds funny or it sounds really quiet more quiet than usual.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
It's because it is just me and Kylie added it's never been like this. There's never been it's literally just a small amount of people. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:00
well since Ashley got a new job she like I know when we record it's just so hard last time we

Unknown Speaker 1:05
had Ashley or Ileana on. Ashley was in the very very first one working on was what Two episodes ago? Yeah. Yeah. Ashley paws We miss you.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
We miss you.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
Rip Ileana. We miss you too.

Unknown Speaker 1:17
Yeah, we'd never see that girl. She was there. She

Unknown Speaker 1:19
lost when she was on was the one I wasn't here. Well, yeah, like the second one.

Unknown Speaker 1:23
Yeah. Wow. Dude, that's crazy. How

Unknown Speaker 1:26
did these working girls I know and then Gianna if you're listening. Quit your job. Quit come to school. Calm record.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
quit your jobs. Everybody give up their jobs and record a podcast. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:39
that's really good advice. Actually. I really think there should be more podcasts the world. I think there's an I think we need to give more mics to men specific.

Unknown Speaker 1:48
Yes. Oh my god. More metal many more male podcasts. I love their men podcast.

Unknown Speaker 1:54
Thank you. I need more men podcast with like the Tick Tock text over their words for like the subtitle. And it's like, alpha music. Alpha music. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
Um, see, we that was us acting right there. So

Unknown Speaker 2:07
like, No, I wasn't actually. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 2:12
um, let's just end the week. Did you know it's funny, I realized that every other the past few episodes. Were like, Let's do song of the week. And I'd never say mine.

Unknown Speaker 2:21
Oh my gosh. Why not? I

Unknown Speaker 2:23
don't know. I think I'm too focused. Because you know how she made me the chair. I'm too focused on what's going on as we're recording

Unknown Speaker 2:29
man in the chair. But yeah, my son. I have a good one. Choose. How do you say it? Um,

Unknown Speaker 2:38

Unknown Speaker 2:38
Andromeda? Is that how you pronounce I believe so. I left a really good yeah. Andromeda byways blood.

Unknown Speaker 2:44
Oh my gosh,

Unknown Speaker 2:45
I've been really listening to that a lot. I love that song a few years ago, but it just came back up in like, my rotation of like songs. You know? How, how that goes. And it's so good. I forgot how good that album is, too.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
I think I'm gonna choose. Did you guys already talk about Saturn? I'm gonna choose Saturn Miera I

Unknown Speaker 3:05
think was that mine. That might have been yours. A couple. That's a good one, though. As long as you so much actually don't think it was mine. I'm just I'm Josh and

Unknown Speaker 3:12
Josh and me. Dude. It's so weird.

Unknown Speaker 3:16
I know. Or any chapelry pretend they're still here. Okay, Ashley, what's your song?

Unknown Speaker 3:26
In the night sky like shooting stars.

Unknown Speaker 3:29
Well, what Ashley song of the week be?

Unknown Speaker 3:31
Like gay. Okay, it's either Ashley is very gay music tastes are very man music T Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:39
So Will she be feeling right now? I don't know. Future song. 21 or metro? Whoa, Gianna song. 100% would be carnival. Yeah, she's been listening to that.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
Much. White

Unknown Speaker 3:55
White bleep with or shoe. What's What's the line? Oh, embarrassing. Oh, pretty bleep with white toes. Yeah, I say that. Like I like say that line all the time. Yeah, because I do have white toes. Yeah. You actually have a white toaster. Now right now. It's all chipped off. So

Unknown Speaker 4:16
you lied. No, I did. So you lied on the podcast. That's like really showing I

Unknown Speaker 4:20
never had to like, like, I never made an obligation to ever tell the truth coming on to that so true.

Unknown Speaker 4:26
What if I lied about everything and they don't know what for all AI? Well, the problem is like, I could say we lied about everything. But there's things I admitted about myself that no one can even lie about. Lie.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
like it'd be so cool to be really creative to come up with a lies,

Unknown Speaker 4:41
like, story. I think that's like, that's my legacy. I'm leaving behind.

Unknown Speaker 4:48
Um, okay. I think it's gonna be really hard for you to leave that behind.

Unknown Speaker 4:51
Yeah, whatever. Anyway, Kylie,

Unknown Speaker 4:54
did you wait, did you do your song of the week? Yeah, Saturday. Oh, you're right. You're right. Good one. Thank

Unknown Speaker 4:58
you. While I would say someone actually cares, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:03
I've been listening to that a lot. So it was so funny.

Unknown Speaker 5:06
I'm gonna say it last episode. Kylie said a bad word and No, no word and slipped through the cracks did

Unknown Speaker 5:14
slip through the cracks. Um, I think that's really like, a, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I think it's funny that I have to. I can't be myself on this podcast, like, I have to restrict my language. And it's really frustrating because I can't just be free. I think that I can't just say what I want to say. And I think they're silencing women. By not letting me say things I want to say next week. Can I say? anymore? Can I say something? So you can bleep it out? I'll bleep it all right now. So no, no. That's the real me.

Unknown Speaker 5:54
That's a real. What is the this is the real Kelsey. This

Unknown Speaker 5:58
is the real Kelsey. I'm so crazy. You can't take me anywhere else. See, dude,

Unknown Speaker 6:03
let's talk about your little canvas crush. Oh, my God told me work at the library on this podcast? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 6:09
think I guess we can air it out on the Daxing I always thought I always had this thing where like, I need to keep where I work like a mystery. Because if people perceive me outside, outside of my jobs, I have two jobs. By the way. Yeah. If people perceive me out to perceive me from any job, it's really, really scary. My main job the one I work the most I work in like a training facility. I'm not going to air that out. Because I don't need more people knowing where I work. I never, like treated it that seriously. I know the owners. It's really nice. It's actually really like a really sick job. like I do, like homework and stuff. Yeah, it's true. But like recently, I had someone that I used to like a regular that went there, that he used to go there a lot. And like, you know, I'd like knew him by his name. But he stopped going after a while he like recently got in connection with like one of our friends. Yeah. And he like mentioned something to her, and was like, oh, yeah, that's the girl that works at this place. And I just like, there's no way that people perceive me from Oh, and another example of that is like my sister. She's in middle school. She's in eighth grade. But she has a friend that goes there. And she was like, he sees you all the time and wants to go up to you. And I'm like, Yeah, what do you mean, I don't know who this is. And you're telling me they know me. And it really freaks me out. Like, that is crazy. It really freaks me out. But in terms of under that very? Oh, yeah. I never tell people I work there because it's such an such an easy access place to go. And I never know what No, it's fine. Honestly, it's show. Um,

Unknown Speaker 7:48
she works at a library. You don't know which one. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 7:53
Okay. I don't think it's that hard to get. Yes. But anyway, but um, yeah, so that's why I don't really tell people like where I work because I don't like to be perceived at all. When I'm at my place of work.

Unknown Speaker 8:05
But but you don't have like a bad you. I don't think you're badly perceived. No,

Unknown Speaker 8:11
but like when someone tells me that they recognize me from a place where I'm like, sir, if you recognize me from place, and I didn't know you were there. Like what else? You were also you've been following like working retail always wondered that. Yeah. It has to be crazy. Because I hated seeing people I know. Yeah. And you work like in your area, too. Yeah. At least like where I work both of my jobs. I guess the library. I see a lot of people I know. My other job. I don't really see. That's actually such a lie. I see a lot of people I know but not people. I know that really like it bothers me. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:41
Yeah, but we have. Well, obviously I don't have a campus crash.

Unknown Speaker 8:46
Yeah, you're locked in. Yeah, you just came back from a trip. Yes, it guys I spent five

Unknown Speaker 8:53
days in Morgan's apartment in LA. And it was amazing. It was beautiful. My skin was glowing like birds were singing. Everything was bright and beautiful. Like, every single LA is so nice. Until you look outside and you realize you're on it was scarier in LA. We like walked to CVS because I needed eyedrops because like it was to the point where you there's no point in driving because parking so we walked in it was like terrifying. I was like you walk you're alone. Like in broad daylight it was kind of nicely people were walking their dogs but I was like at night at night

Unknown Speaker 9:25
it's totally different. Yeah, crazy like unless you're in more of like a like a like a suburb suburban area like the rich part. I mean Yeah, but there's where I'm from isn't very isn't super duper like nice, but you know like it's I'm very comfortable. They're worried about like your safety or dying. Yeah, I mean, because I know it's like a it's big like it's become community there Right? Yeah. Where you can comfortably go out like I feel like in LA is such like a it's a much different type of thing. It

Unknown Speaker 9:57
was like terrifying, but it was fun. It was so cool. I just It's like, I love it. I don't know I just love the whole experience and like there's so many cool little things like, Oh, my favorite thing was the record. Okay, first of all, yes. Going to amoeba. The record short. I mean, when music was the greatest thing and like fantasy it was like I was life was good. I cried. Go to the pink wall.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
Yeah, there. Did you really? Um,

Unknown Speaker 10:21
wait, what pink wall?

Unknown Speaker 10:22
Did you not remember? Like in like 2019 2018 and all like those that you met? Like, just like no, just in general in LA like no take pictures against the pink wall.

Unknown Speaker 10:31
I wish it was funny. But you know, like we did see an amoeba music. They have Frank Ocean records and they're like, 1000s of dollars. Because they're like real? Yeah, they're real old. pressings but it was so cool. Just to see and to experience they have one of the real pressings of endless Oh, I didn't check I just saw like blonde. Oh, that's probably like an original.

Unknown Speaker 10:50
Yeah, because I got you the naval. Literally my best present I've ever received like,

Unknown Speaker 10:56
I didn't actually do you cry. I'm mostly mostly mama to thank you mama G I

Unknown Speaker 11:00
think you remember do you don't understand what that means to me. I will die like when I get buried like put that record and it's gonna be in there or if I get cremated whatever just like cremated with me do that's funny. I'm being dead serious.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
Well, what would I get buried with? Phoebe? Bridgers I need to be buried with

Unknown Speaker 11:16
her or like with the like the vital or her body? Oh, that doesn't sound

Unknown Speaker 11:21
very legal. But okay. i We could make it work. We were literally talking

Unknown Speaker 11:27
about Yeah. What were you talking? Oh, well, you said you couldn't have a campus crushed. Because then

Unknown Speaker 11:31
I don't obviously I don't have a campus crashed but I can talk about my past experiences. Because because

Unknown Speaker 11:36
it's a very it's very fun experience. Yeah, it's it's like fun, but also like, I'm losing my mind a little bit. Yeah. And it's

Unknown Speaker 11:45
so I think college crushes are so wildly different than high

Unknown Speaker 11:48
school. Yeah. Because High School crushes it's a lot less people and you're like, I'm gonna see him in the hallway. Like, I see like my sister navigating that like era of her life now, because she's an eighth grade. She got to be a ninth grade. And she would show me like the Okay, this sounds crazy. But like, you know how you would like sneak like pictures of crush. Yeah, come

Unknown Speaker 12:10
on. Everyone's done it.

Unknown Speaker 12:11
Yeah, sorry to air that out. But like, she's like, show me like they'll picture she was like, sneak of her friends crush or like her crush. I'm like, wow. Like, if so that was that's so like high school, middle school, but it's so like, funny. It's such a it's such a universal experience, I think.

Unknown Speaker 12:26
Because there's always you also have that crush where like, I think there's highschool crushes where like, you guys actually talk to each other? I was kind of person who had crushes where you do I did not speak Oh,

Unknown Speaker 12:36
that's always that's always been how I like moved in my life. Yeah, well, first of all, it was even silence. Yeah, move in silence except I'm so silent that nothing happened. Nothing comes so silent that like, like, no one knows I'm there. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 12:50
that's how you perceived. No,

Unknown Speaker 12:53
that's like, oh, anyway. Oh my god. Funny. Haha, funny. Haha.

Unknown Speaker 12:58
Well, your campus crash. Let's talk about your college campus crush my college

Unknown Speaker 13:02
campus crush right now. very fresh, very new. I, um, I like recently, I helped him in a different circumstance, like two weeks ago, like I helped him out with something. I was like, oh, like how sweet you know, did it and nothing came from it, you know. And then two weeks later, I saw him at a function on Saturday. And I recognized him there. And I want to talk to him so bad, but I was so nervous. I've come to learn that I am not not very smooth in those situations. I don't know how to go up to people unless it's someone like I'm like gonna compliment like platonically or just someone that like, I need to talk to you in general. But when it comes to like, romantic like romantic like stuff like that, I've realized I'm so lost like all the time. It's hard though. Like I think I can talk very casually with someone that I don't know much easier than if I like want it so get so like romantically Yeah, but that yeah, so I'm at a function so scared to go up to him. But I made me and my friend love was like, come here it was with Victoria. I was like, go over here with me. Come on, come on. And I would like move her around and like I need to be right here. Like I need to be right in the peripheral vision our

Unknown Speaker 14:19
mastermind Can we talk about that? You're literally masterminded this Oh,

Unknown Speaker 14:25
I guess I mean, you're kind of right. It did work out. But like I I didn't want to go up to him. He ended up coming up to me because because of my little orchestrations, you know, getting like, you know, made sure I was in the vision and the vision made sure like because there was also a person that he was with that I like recognized. I was I said hi to them. Yeah, just like all the little things. He came up to me. We talked a little bit and now we're talking just a little bit, but like, I'm like, scared. So like with the campus crush. I know he's gonna be here. Yeah, I don't know when I don't know where but I need to be prepared. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 15:04
see, that's evil because I think about it like, because you have a whole routine of like, how you want to be like how he like you want him to see you.

Unknown Speaker 15:13
I think that's very like normal and like, beginning of stuff.

Unknown Speaker 15:17
That's what I do not I just said, like, I don't think

Unknown Speaker 15:21
like to be fair, I think this is such a different like, like, the, the way I'm speaking now. So such a big contrast from the last episode, I was gonna say it is but like, I don't think it's a nothing that like serious of them just like a fun like, because campus crushed in my mind. Well, obviously, things are a bit different, because I'm kind of on speaking terms with this person. But normally, like how my campus crushed, or just like school crush would go, is I would never talk to the person. Yeah, but there just be like moments where I would like see them or brush into them. Or you're like, you know, cuz there's all types of factors that go into it. Like one factor. That is like playing like now is like, now when I'm getting ready in the morning to like, come to campus. I'm like, oh, I want to like look good. Yeah. Because they're because of the off chance the possibilities, you know,

Unknown Speaker 16:14
dude, that's crazy. Like, you do have to, like be prepared because Well, I think with UNLV, especially, I don't know, I feel like actually, no, I used to have a campus crush. And I totally figured out her whole schedule. Because I would see her walk the same time with the same like, obviously, I don't have this crush anymore. I don't know this person, I don't know it. But I would like we I would walk to the Student Union every seat at the same time, every single time.

Unknown Speaker 16:44
I do that with people that I don't have a campus crush on both people that I want to avoid. There's one person that you've seen at a specific time that Kylie like that I don't want to see. And now every because I the time, the time, the time you see him is usually the time where I'm going through that area to get to a class. So every time I'm getting to a class at that time, my heads on a swivel, and I'm like terrified to see that person anymore.

Unknown Speaker 17:10
You know, it's funny, I know that, you know, V is like there's so many people but it feels so small. Yeah, or maybe. Or like I think the group's like, once you learn like who the groups are, it feels small. I don't know, in my mind.

Unknown Speaker 17:22
Yeah, I feel like once you like get like with a circle of people and you meet more people is kind of like a butterfly effect. From there. Like you'll see people you recognize maybe not that you're so like, acquainted with or that, you know, be like, Oh, I know that person that's so and so's you know, like, brother so and so's friend or like something like that. So it's like, the more like, it's like a big branch. Yeah. And then you start to like, recognize more and more people. And I think it's fun. I think it's interesting. It's so

Unknown Speaker 17:51
fun. Because I feel like the minute you like, don't want to see someone you always see them. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:55
And I think like recently, I've come to like, not be more of a social person because I classify myself as more so like I said, like, I was such an introvert. Like I

Unknown Speaker 18:06
hated it. He wasn't needed, like your friend. I don't see things

Unknown Speaker 18:09
I was just looking at when I struggled. You know, like I had like social anxiety and stuff. I'm obviously dealt with that now. Because now I love just like, being involved with other people and just having the know, and just like being friendly with other people when we go out. You're so is uh, you can go up to people and it still comes down. It's easy. So I think it's like fun to just like, see people that you recognize and just, you know, text me like, oh, my gosh, you'll never know who I saw today. I think it's fun. So funny. Yeah. But I'm also the type of person that's like, if I don't need to speak to you. I'm not going to just Yeah, so they don't see that. And I've had people tell me that they think I'm shy because of that. That's so awkward. He

Unknown Speaker 18:51
is not shy, like at all. Like, I don't understand that perception. It's like, maybe people mistake it because like, I'm also the kind of person who doesn't do small talk, like I can talk to people. If we're in like a room or we're in a class for a prolonged period of time. I will talk to you if I don't know you. But if it's like we're in passing, if I'm buying something or something like you're working, I'm not really small talk person. Yeah. But you're not shy. That's so evil. That's crazy. That did because the person that told me that was someone that saw me at a jaw your work, I didn't know that he

Unknown Speaker 19:25
saw me at a job and he said that to like, another friend. And then that's how it got the message got relayed to me. I was like wow, like that's how people perceive me. And I kind of like got started to get offense to it. I was like, I don't want to be perceived as like someone who's like a shine like it was really wallflower but like genuinely if I don't see the need, and not even in a meanwhile, but if I don't see the need to have to talk to you. I'm not I'm not going to I get

Unknown Speaker 19:49
that. See it's funny because like, I'm that way but Bo is the opposite mo can talk to anybody. So like we'll go out like Trader Joe's for example, and she'll be talking to the cashier And I'm like, Just chillin there. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:01
I don't feel like I don't know. That sounds like a good like, honestly a good quality house.

Unknown Speaker 20:07
It is nice. But sometimes I'm like, let's go. Like, nice. Let's leave now. But campus questions are so

Unknown Speaker 20:15
so there's so many factors like honestly obviously getting like dressed in the morning or like walking around like looking around around I feel like there's like a little camera on me at all times. Maybe that's not good, but I think it's like fun. There's like the mystery to it. It's like there's it's exciting.

Unknown Speaker 20:32
So you know, it's funny because as a lesbian, okay, as a little mask lesbian. And this is not to stereotype anything, but me naturally. I go up to people, so I never like that's why I think I don't care as much as like, oh, how do I how am I today? Or bla bla bla, because I'm the one who usually pursues it right away. That Okay, can we talk about this? Because we talked about dating apps? Have you matched with people you've seen at

Unknown Speaker 20:56
UNLV? No, I've literally haven't. I've probably have but I don't. Okay, I have like a big problem. I think I have some type of like attention just like ad like something because I don't remember a lot of things that aren't really necessary. Like it kind of in one ear out the other like I see someone Oh, I don't remember names. I don't remember faces. I'm not that type of person. But like, there'll be someone that recognizes me from somewhere. And I'm like, Oh, where do I know you from? They'll be like, Oh, from the from hinge or from from this time? Or I'm like, Oh, well, I'm sorry. And I don't like it feel like it comes off as rude. But I literally don't retain information. Yeah, it's like,

Unknown Speaker 21:35
yeah, I am. And maybe it's because like, I will say like, I seem to remember like the gay communities not that. I feel like that's more exclusively a you thing. I definitely like will have seen girls who I had matched we have and had not talked to. And it's so awkward. And I'm the one in the room. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:58
Is it okay, if I mentioned someone went to First Friday, and that happened to you? Dude, yeah, let's talk about it. So bad guy told me when we went Friday and some girl obviously not I'm happy. My really obviously no, this wasn't long time ago. This was like, this was like August. It was a long time. But ginger, we went to First Friday and a girl came up to ginger. I went up to her. That's Oh, you did? Oh my god. Worse, you could tell the story. So

Unknown Speaker 22:26
we went yeah. So we went to First Friday. And I do this thing where even though I'm okay with like, I can go up to people. I always check myself out. And I go to you guys first I'm like, oh, that girl's really cute. That person is really cute. Like, should I talk to them? And you guys are like, you're gonna do it anyway.

Unknown Speaker 22:42
I'm like, Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:44
so there's this girl. And I was like, oh, man, she's like, so pretty. She's so pretty. And I finally get like, the confidence. I'm like, Hey, by the way, like, you're beautiful. I just want to say like, you're so I said something about her outfit. And I was like, Do you have Instagram? And she stops for a second. And I'm like, Oh, what happened? She's like, do I match with you on who? And when I tell you and I don't mean this in a mean way, but I just didn't. I might I probably recognize her. And maybe that's why I spotted her in the crowd. For I didn't remember matching. We probably didn't talk. Because I used to remember them. If we talked like

Unknown Speaker 23:21
it was like, What are the chances of that happening?

Unknown Speaker 23:24
And I was just like, oh, yeah, we did, didn't we? And I was like, Well, what's your Instagram? We should talk there. And then like, it just didn't go well. Like we talked and like, it was just Yeah, I would be so upset if that happened to this. Dude, would you tell them you matched on hinge? If yes, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:42
I feel like, um, we match like, what do you? I mean, I understand because I obviously, as I just I don't remember anything ever. Yeah, but like, come on. It

Unknown Speaker 23:52
was funny. I think it's a fact I went up to her and was like trying to flirt with her and then yeah, yeah, so that was bad. I

Unknown Speaker 23:59
like how we made a note how you wanted to talk tonight. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:07
We have we have a good talk about fortnight. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:12
So you just on the table. Let's debate today's topic for diet,

Unknown Speaker 24:17
because Okay, since this is a mean Kylie episode, me and Kylie will cut like we'll play fortnight like that's something mean Kylie exlusively do because no one else please. For Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:27
one time ginger called me. And I was with Gianna Gianna is like, what does she want? I was like, I don't know, she probably wants tonight. And to this day, do you want to think that's the most insane thing is every night? Like I said, That's so casually like she was so nice. She wants to hop on it right now. I'm like, oh, yeah, and people don't get it. I don't even realize. I don't even realize in that moment. How like, you know,

Unknown Speaker 24:48
like, I wish I could express that on a t shirt. If you're not playing fortnight right now. There's something wrong with you.

Unknown Speaker 24:53
Exclusively though, like no build mode. You bring up a bill in front of you. I'm sorry. I'm one of those people I don't play bills. And then my skin is go Joe. I'm go, Joe. Yeah, yeah, nerd. Um, I'm not I can't even I'm not even mad. I just spent money on it. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:12
we spent a lot. In the beginning when we first got into fortnight we spent a lot

Unknown Speaker 25:15
of money the beginning we first got into it like was as a joke. My brother downloaded fortnight on my ps4. I was like, I'm just gonna play one day as a joke. And then I was like, oh wait, there's no build because I did not want to learn how to build like I was. I did. I did not want to play with these eight year olds that are building like crazy mansions around me. Like they're really good and it's embarrassing. So I was like, Oh, I didn't know there's a no build option. And then I got hooked and then I got ginger hug dude. And I was like ginger, the second I like want to spend money on this game. You have to stop me and then we the next day I bought like three bucks. Like that was old fortnight like me and Kylie are very strong. That wasn't even old fortnight like people are like I missed the old tonight when we talk about old fortnight we talked about ways I couldn't do which season it was like last season or whatever were the places we would draw where you see growth greens.

Unknown Speaker 26:03
Were like I miss old fortnight. That's not what we missed that like, that was a good era greasy Grove was our number one anyway, this is what we're talking about. No, I

Unknown Speaker 26:13
think it's important because it talks about the things we have the motors we have in life, you know, that's and I did recently try to download because I don't have my ps4 anymore. at my parents house. I have Giannis ps4, which is in our apartments living room. Yeah. So I tried to you know, update fortnight to play on the ps4. We have no storage left on that ps4. I can't play 492

Unknown Speaker 26:36
That's crazy. Delete everything. It's Herpy as well. I'm not gonna delete her. So early games get fortnight be a real man. But yeah, guys, cannabis crushes. I think that's. So we'll update you. I think one of the best things about this podcast and like doing it. And obviously we call it growing pains. And we gave the whole reason in the first episode of like, you guys are growing with us. It's our freshman year. But like, I think that we had the podcast during some of the most like crazy, monumental turning points of our lives. So we'll see what

Unknown Speaker 27:09
happened. We did like, recently, like, genuinely like right before we started this podcast, we gave like the motive for it. And right after it happened. It's like, the amount of changes that we went through was crazy.

Unknown Speaker 27:22
Oh, wait, you know what sweet, mean, Kylie. Were the ones who started this, by the way. Oh, so it's kind of this is like our little veggies.

Unknown Speaker 27:31
Well, everyone else obviously had a party. Yeah, of course. But I feel like we did you know, we created the website. You made the name. I remember the name. I helped you with a sign off. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 27:42
I remember what happened was literally. So I joined the radio station because I do like live on our shifts. And they're like, Oh, we can you can do a podcast. without telling anybody. I signed us up for a slot. I got us ready. I gotta say no. Yeah, we had to create everything within like a week. Yeah, that was what I knew, too. But, guys, we have a podcast. And then like everyone was down for it. It was actually really sweet. Yeah, it was so fun. It was so cool. But we'll see how this campus Crusher goes.

Unknown Speaker 28:10
I'm not gonna have high hopes for it. You know? Like, it's just something to pass the time and is like genuinely like, just like, you know, it's like it's fun. That's the most I'm not gonna I'm not gonna you know, have hopes for anything. Because

Unknown Speaker 28:23
that's just what for him? Do I have a what do we have like a nickname for him?

Unknown Speaker 28:27
I don't we should. You have to bleep this out because I'm gonna say I bleep it out.

Unknown Speaker 28:35
Do I have to bleep that? Yeah, bleep

Unknown Speaker 28:37
it out. Because it's very so.

Unknown Speaker 28:38
I'm gonna have one long bleep sorry guys. Yeah, not right now. But um, that's over. Anyway, anyway, let's

Unknown Speaker 28:48
go to the library.

Unknown Speaker 28:49
Let's go to let's go live.

Unknown Speaker 28:51
I do have to like pump out a 1500 word essay. Okay, that's that doesn't sound that bad when you put it that way but the word sounds bad. I have to put in the essays actually makes me like want to read out Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:03
All right. Well, thank you guys for listening to me and Kylie special episode. It was this was going to be easy to edit. It was actually a fun one. Yeah, I don't think I'm editing anything out.

Unknown Speaker 29:16
I think I'm gonna keep it all in the long segment of just going on about fortnight. I'm

Unknown Speaker 29:21
telling you fortnight episode. I'm gonna name it fortnight Yeah, all night. Anyway, all night. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Boom, boom, boom. Let's chop says thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

Unknown Speaker 29:47
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

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