

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K you envy studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:08
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host ginger, join me and my best friend. As we talked about growing up, we try not to break down

Unknown Speaker 0:23
been talking about what we're gonna take

Unknown Speaker 0:25
the men out of Nozick we're gonna be starting Good afternoon to the listeners.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Whatever corner of the hemisphere you

Unknown Speaker 0:37
are, I just want you to like get to let you guys know that if I press play and open that up to the podcast immediately, I'm skipping immediately. I'm like, alright, I'll check back in next night. Well,

Unknown Speaker 0:45
good thing there's like our fun little groovy intro with the music.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
Oh, the laser beam music and it sounds like lazy. Alright boys, let's

Unknown Speaker 0:56
It's ginger, Kylie and Ashley on the track today.

Unknown Speaker 1:00
In the stew. Hello. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
What are we doing?

Unknown Speaker 1:03
Like the rest of us? Like did we die?

Unknown Speaker 1:06
No one. Everyone's done everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
No, literally.

Unknown Speaker 1:10
It was literally me and ginger last episode. Yeah. Imagine how fun that was. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:14
it was. Where was I was working. Probably. I think so. We're

Unknown Speaker 1:17
Yeah, yeah. Oh, you should talk about your new job because we've mentioned it but you are the only person who hasn't talked about it. Oh, everybody's talking about my job. What

Unknown Speaker 1:25
else do you say? I got a new job. Hey, guys, I

Unknown Speaker 1:27
got a new new Docs yourself new job. I'm working in. I left retail. And now I'm working in a restaurant. Oh, can

Unknown Speaker 1:35
we like talk about the like dirty secrets of your old job?

Unknown Speaker 1:38
Oh, yeah, cuz we all work. I mean, no, gingers worked every job under the sun. Yeah, Ginger has worked retail now. Like she's like doing like hostessing. And I've worked. I don't know what I do. Honestly. Kelly's also only had like, I worked at American Eagle for like, almost two years.

Unknown Speaker 1:55
I believe that you could tell people I worked at American Eagle. That just was fire. Because I was fired. That's honestly what kept me there because I shopped there my whole life. And that job I just been Tex

Unknown Speaker 2:07
ashen. I would send her what I want and be like, Yo, we only use it was there very like last week. Yeah, yeah, and I did get some jeans. Oh, no, I got jean shorts on your last week? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:18
you got jeans for your birthday though.

Unknown Speaker 2:19
I got you into my birthday and yeah jeans like before that I only use your discount like four times which Saturday didn't take advantage that well. That's

Unknown Speaker 2:26
because you were my clothes. Yeah. Okay, so um, that was a fun little first job I liked it.

Unknown Speaker 2:34
I Yeah. Did what was your first job ever?

Unknown Speaker 2:38
That was my first job I was unemployed actually. Like I do.

Unknown Speaker 2:42
Majority of you had like a job for like, like months before I had a job and like that's it like a summer before I had my job.

Unknown Speaker 2:48
I was working I just fast food. I don't want to say why work? I did fast food but you like work last year, like for a few months. And then I got my other job. You didn't

Unknown Speaker 2:58
work to New Year. Hmm.

Unknown Speaker 2:59
I worked the summer after December. Right engineering started. So I guess Yeah, a little bit before but not that much. Right. Yeah, it was when we get a job right at 16. They're like you were working? Because they couldn't stand being around. Wait, they did not want you in that house.

Unknown Speaker 3:12
I worked at Tillys everybody.

Unknown Speaker 3:14
I hated it.

Unknown Speaker 3:16
So I've never worked real retail. The job I have now. Is I mean I do I do have some like retail aspects. But I don't sell like a what do you do sell the water bottles? No. There's like a bunch of like, there's some clothing I tried on

Unknown Speaker 3:29
the helmets. Sick.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
Retails fun. I just do you have to like the clothes to be there. I'm not gonna lie to you. Yeah. Cool. to

Unknown Speaker 3:38
lease if you ever want to sponsor us. I mean that Radak

Unknown Speaker 3:41
um, but yeah, American Eagle is my first job. And I left there. And that was like really fun. I mean, it was like my high school job. It was fun. Yeah, now I'm making a little bit more money. And I have like, because I have a little bit more bills now. So it's fun. Now I can like not stress and like, be like, Mom, send me $20 for ghosts. Yeah, because now I can make that in tips. That's fun. That's it. It's stressful. It's like real life hospitality. And I realized that like this is Giannis field, like I do not have. I'm a I'm a very good like people person, but it takes a lot out of me.

Unknown Speaker 4:12
I feel like that's a different aspect than retail what you're doing now because like with clothes I mean, people probably get very testy with like their clothes and stuff but with food, right? Yeah, like if people are hungry.

Unknown Speaker 4:22
People are like really greedy. Like they agree on it. I will literally have tables filled to the brim and I don't actually sit people Yeah, like I'm getting trained on to sit people I just do like the phones and all of that right now. But like if tables will be filled to the brim the bar and lounge is like filled and like there's like an hour and a half. Wait and like, by the way, this is like the number one restaurant I look. I work right off strip. So it's so busy all the time on a Tuesday. I still don't get cut and it's like, so busy all the time and people like really the wait time is an hour and a half. Yeah, you don't have a reservation.

Unknown Speaker 4:54
Like oh, and like I like like I've never ever treated A hostess or server with disrespect? Because like I like yeah doesn't take I mean, unless they're like they do something like the ad like really bad which I've never really had terrible, terrible service where I like, want to make that person's day worse. Yeah, but like, I've heard terrible things, but I've had

Unknown Speaker 5:16
horrible servers though. Like, I've had servers I just like hate their lives. Not that I work with no, I love I literally love like, all of the people I work with, like, actually, that's not true. I love all my female servers. Yeah, there's like two guys servers that like, aren't that nice to me, but I think that's just like their personality. But uh, look, I've only been there for like two seconds, so I can't really make any. Anyways, but it's super fun. And I love everybody that I work with. I work with a lot of my good friends. Again. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:45
but like you like when I saw Ashley like it or any drum like Pam, like really? Like, I'm like, I want to get a new job now. No, I don't I don't know what to do. When

Unknown Speaker 5:54
that first check it and it was like double of my like, biggest check of last last job. I was like, Oh, I went out and I ordered myself my Amazon card. Yeah, yeah. See, I

Unknown Speaker 6:05
spend all that money on clothes like you do it just I don't have the money to spend. So like, I don't eat for the second week of my pay. Oh, so real. It's so real. And I actually like to combat that I got like a credit card. Because I'm like one you'd like gas. Or if I need just like something essential. I'll just put on the credit card. That's maxed. I pay that off now. Yeah, amen. That's how it goes. Yeah, that lasted me a good three months. I

Unknown Speaker 6:30
like being I tried to be really strict with it. And

Unknown Speaker 6:34
I tried to stick with it. But I've had to make like a couple payments on the card because I didn't have money at the time. And it just stacked and now I'm just like I have like, it's actually not the biggest bill in the world. Like if I told any regular person like what my bill is right now. It's not that much. But like, not I'm mad because I don't have that money to spend. I just have to pay it off. So my goal is to pay off my starts. I'm gonna get there. Take care

Unknown Speaker 6:58
of your credit score score. Oh, I

Unknown Speaker 7:00
do I still make my payments. I love my credit score right now. i How do you know?

Unknown Speaker 7:04
I got an app for it? Because I like to check. It doesn't ever run your credit. And is it just do a Soft Pool?

Unknown Speaker 7:12
What happens? What would know?

Unknown Speaker 7:14
This topic is boring. No one gives a Go about your credit score. Like oh my gosh. Oh, what? If you ask so basically just like, pay your bills on time. That's, that's really? Yeah, that's fine. We haven't been like, Okay,

Unknown Speaker 7:30
I'm over it. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:31
This is what happens when you get signed into a room together. Um, what else we can talk about right now? I'm an update. I haven't been on the podcast and I've not been on here. Yeah, no episode. Yeah, it's school and work. And I've literally been like, I think I've had like two seconds of free time. And I didn't even like use it to like do anything fun. I think I slept Yeah. Spring Break spring break. Oh, yeah. This is I worked the entire spring break.

Unknown Speaker 7:58
I did do. And first of all, welcome back from spring break lab. It was great, guys. If you went anywhere. I'm extremely jealous of you. And I want you to die. I did not plan trip this year. And I wish we did. But we couldn't. Because so last minute, and I had no money at the time. But um, whatever. But if you went on a trip, I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to see any of those pictures. Keep that to yourself. Because all I did was work and it didn't even feel like a

Unknown Speaker 8:22
break. No, I literally

Unknown Speaker 8:24
didn't. And I was supposed to study for an exam the whole weekend. I

Unknown Speaker 8:27
didn't study I literally did. I said, if any of my professors are listening to this right now I'm sick and I have food poisoning and I'm at urgent care, because I can't see her but she looks so I'm so sick. It's literally contagious. I'm literally like you can't edit Hazmats um, but there is a policy that if you have a doctor's note, you get to miss the exam. Okay, but also that if you were listening, I took my class. I took my exam he wants to be on I have so many exams. I was his school. Oh my god. My dad was actually at the UNLV campus. My dad works for a car dealership and they had a team meeting here. And I don't know why they had a team meeting here. But he was here all day. And then I walked into the bookstore and there he is. He bought a long sleeve. Car decals. A cup and shockless UNLV. Dad and yeah, it was shocked. last shell shocked girl this is the University of Las Vegas. Amen. But it was funny because he was like, Oh, I gotta get back to class because he was about to be late.

Unknown Speaker 9:22
He made a group chat with you ginger, Gianna and did not. And then she was like, look at this picture. Do you see this? I went No. You didn't know. This friend out of all of your friends. oldest friend. And I wasn't added. I tried to

Unknown Speaker 9:39
get him to like talk to frat guys like real life. It would have been funny. Yeah, that would have been funny. I wish they had the booths. I wish they did I wish they because those guys were like out and about like all of this all right before Super hovering. Probably they're still recovering. It was the first day back it literally was the first and it was so empty on campus. It was so empty. But it was so nice. The weather's so Mm

Unknown Speaker 10:01
hmm. We left like at noon, like we couldn't even stand to be on my campus.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
I did. Oh, didn't you leave with me and Jana? No. Oh, good for you.

Unknown Speaker 10:11
I was I did. I left my last

Unknown Speaker 10:14
game like we said we would this semester. Nope.

Unknown Speaker 10:15
No, I'm, I'm,

Unknown Speaker 10:18
I'm locked. I'm locked in. But it is humbling. Actually, I've

Unknown Speaker 10:21
actually noticed you've been doing really well. Like, like, you've been really like, you've been holding yourself account.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
Like it's been humbling. Like, yes, I pick and choose, like what I'm struggling with. And I'm like, alright, this week, I want to focus on my bio class and like, maybe skip my math lecture and just watch the notes online. But like, literally humbling. It's literally humbling. Yeah. But um, do you like your little iPad? I? Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you. I only use my iPad for books. But I did what like I begged for I was like, Dad, you understand all of the stem people like use it for notes, but my computer is awesome. Like, my computer has its own pen and like both computer I bought like touchscreen. It's touchscreen, like my computer is awesome has doubled the storage on my iPad. So like, I use my iPod iPad for joy in personal use. And all of my mafia fanfics

Unknown Speaker 11:06
Yeah, that's true. Like that got exposed? Would You Rather you're like, like fanfic history get leaked? Or your texts? gay son.

Unknown Speaker 11:18
Yeah, yeah, that's what I would pick. Oh, what else was I gonna say? I was gonna mention something. Oh, now that I'm working in like a different environment because like before I had American Eagle, I was kind of like a shift lead. I was like, it's called a senior VA. But basically, I still got worked like a manager just without the manager pay. It was disgusting. But um, I used to like it was all just like little like teenage like Junior girls as my coworker and they were my best friends. I literally still text them to this day. I'm like, I miss you. And they're my best friends. Okay, whatever. But now that I know that I'm working in a different environment, and there's like, older like people and like older guys, like I finally understand like, work crushes again, because I'm like, Oh,

Unknown Speaker 12:01
I die in a minute. I

Unknown Speaker 12:02
haven't had any crushes. Okay, I have a word crush and he's so young. Like provide some context. He's grown and 18 however, I'm 19 and I call him jailbait old.

Unknown Speaker 12:17
Okay. I call him jailbait geriatric, but I don't call him gentlemen. I'll get CrossFit decayed one foot in the grave.

Unknown Speaker 12:30
Kylie, your workers are weird, because like you don't work with and you don't work.

Unknown Speaker 12:35
Yeah, they just people that come into your work. Yeah. And you haven't. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 12:38
the way like my like, quote, unquote, like work crush would work is like, I would just crush on regular. That's so but I would never do anything. Because the thing is, like, I feel so awkward. Like, because they're regulars. I would never ever, like at my place of work, where I'm clocked in and be like, Hey, I can't do that. You're

Unknown Speaker 12:55
gonna find one. That's weird.

Unknown Speaker 12:58
I got a girl's number. And it was no,

Unknown Speaker 13:00
I want to do that. Don't do anything. I wouldn't wait a

Unknown Speaker 13:05
minute to our listeners. Let's actually include you guys to what's happening. Like, literally in two days. comment, leave a comment on what we should do. Because like, what recently is gonna happen right now is we're trying to merge two friend groups because like our friend, yeah, I feel like okay, I'm not gonna go into heavy detail, but like, my friend is, is hooking up with some guy right now. And he has a group of friends who actually who actually go I don't want to like you know, actually, like, the guys like used to know like some of our friends back in high school like they went to high school with our friend Victoria. So it's like we don't really know how to mesh yet so well that's what's gonna happen on Friday. Because never before Yeah, this is the before have such a good pot next. Yeah, it'd be with us so so so like, guys tune back into the debris from next week pod because, um, I can't go into too much detail right now. But like, it's like, but like, I don't know if any of you guys have had that out there because I'm trying to think back to when if I've had this, which I think I've had. But like, no one not in terms of like one of us were dating the other one. Yeah, no, I just like merge. I just like made made my Nona exes. I just made my guy friends get along with my like, oh, when you meet again. Yeah, that's what I've always been like, in some of my guy friends have hooked up with and Victoria if you're listening doo doo doo doo doo doo doo the baby. I got a plan. Victoria, if you were listening, that song was for you. Oh, we didn't even do song of the week. Oh, this is for my song of the week. It's going to be obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo because it comes out tonight at midnight because she just announced a deluxe version of guts. It's called guts spilled and spilled is so cute in mine's gonna be obsessed because let me tell you if you're a man that I've talked to and you've had a girlfriend and we were talking for a minute, I've stalked her girlfriend. Your ex girlfriend

Unknown Speaker 15:02
writes like the teenage experience I think so well,

Unknown Speaker 15:04
it's not even a teenage experience. It's a girl experience. Like, I've talked to a guy and I was genuinely interested in this is multiple guys. I will tell you guys after we end this episode, I have stalked all of their exes like literally down to a middle school like I've stopped all of their exes. Like I know for your exes. Yes, they

Unknown Speaker 15:21
even just talked. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 15:25
Just Well, I went a deep dive into Oh, that's so real. That's literally so real. Like, the lyric where she was like, I know her star sign and I know her blood type the oh my gosh, that's me.

Unknown Speaker 15:37
Dude, I literally also mad because like, my ex is private. She can't find any

Unknown Speaker 15:44
tamo to hit me up. I'll give her literally

Unknown Speaker 15:48
by the way, we're awake song of the week. Um,

Unknown Speaker 15:51
I'm gonna do mine. I have to kind of forgiveness by Sousa and get gone by Fiona Apple. Those are like right now my two ultimate like, like rage. Not rage, but they just make me like, like female rage. I hate to use the term female rage, but that's what they make me feel. Because I think in the last episode, we talked about like a campus crush of mine. Oh, yeah. Any updates? I'm over it. I'm done with it.

Unknown Speaker 16:17
It takes one bad outfit, and then you'll live in fear for the rest of my life.

Unknown Speaker 16:21
I don't want to do any updates. Because I don't want to ever think about or I don't want to give that person the time of campus crush of thoughts. So I'm over it. And those are my songs. My song. Like my son that week is is is afraid of heights. My boy genius.

Unknown Speaker 16:41
I think I've done that before. Okay. Um, you said a few to Apple. Literally like,

Unknown Speaker 16:49
Oh my God, I know. Why. Sounds like we're talking about work crushes. I should elaborate. I was one of those people who dated a co worker

Unknown Speaker 16:58
we weren't I

Unknown Speaker 17:02
don't do it. Who jobs?

Unknown Speaker 17:03

Unknown Speaker 17:06
You guys followed each other to the next job. That's funny. That's

Unknown Speaker 17:09
like moving in together. And I scary

Unknown Speaker 17:11
she like she's like, Hey, there's this job we should apply for and I was like, Cool. And I got the job before she did. And I felt so bad. But she got the job and even worked out. Oh, actually, guys. Oh, this

Unknown Speaker 17:23
Gianna is a hospitality major. And I were started working at a restaurant right and our friend works there. So I that was originally how I got the job was like, Hey, come apply. We're hiring. I was like, okay, good. I need a new job. Anyway, the plays better. John was like, Can I apply to? And she just applied? And I literally was like, Yeah, I don't care. Knowing deep down. I was like, Oh my God, God isn't she can't work with me because I already live with her. Yeah, so that I went there to work the next day. It was like June applied, and they're like, really? Like, are they gonna hire her? And Jen was like, I had an interview. I was like, Don't go to the interview. So if he oughta blow up the interview, because I couldn't work with her like I already live with her.

Unknown Speaker 17:59
Yeah. Do you want to skip Oh, she's

Unknown Speaker 18:01
long hours with her.

Unknown Speaker 18:03
Yeah, no, I can't do that. That'd

Unknown Speaker 18:06
be so great. But I don't know if I could work. I could work with you guys. Like at specific places. What it was,

Unknown Speaker 18:12
I don't want to try it. It depends on the type of job like if it's like an easygoing not as like hi tense, stressful job. I could do it. But if it's like that, like a hostess job, I would probably make

Unknown Speaker 18:21
it hostess. We're probably making it sound like it's crazy. But

Unknown Speaker 18:24
it's true. Like, oh, yeah, but like I think any like restaurant environment

Unknown Speaker 18:28
will just because it's like my first kind of like hospitality kind of food job at all. Yeah, so my second job ever, like, leave me alone?

Unknown Speaker 18:35
I know. You've only Yeah, I feel like I've had so many talks. Yeah, I've worked at like timberland for two months. Yeah, it was fun. We

Unknown Speaker 18:42
how many jobs have you had because you will have

Unknown Speaker 18:45
to Tillys the movie theater was the longest one, the one that got I got laid off. 17 I was laid off. But also unemployment also tomorrow. Also, on Friday. On Friday, there will be a game of poker. Oh, let's talk about it. And so to prepare for this, get together the girls and I have been playing poker. I actually knew how to play poker. I know how to play five card draw. Or this little boy that's hanging around and my friend taught me how to play Texas Hold'em taught all of us. They

Unknown Speaker 19:15
forced me to sit down at that table and learn to play poker. If you know me, I don't like card games. Yeah, Kylie did. I mean, you're like bold. No, actually, I beat you. So what are you talking about? I won twice actually was the winner. I don't know what you're talking about. I was better than you. So you lost all your money. Ooh, no, not true. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 19:41
Oh my gosh, Ginger did so bad.

Unknown Speaker 19:44
Oh, I can't bluff and I was trying. Yeah, and I

Unknown Speaker 19:47
left you out like a dog like

Unknown Speaker 19:49
you told me kind of like little game. I love like I love like, I love beer pong rage cage poker. Like are black. Jack I love like I love a card game like I will sit there and play with cards for like hours and hours because it's just like the noise and what's fun about this little

Unknown Speaker 20:08
merging thing on Fridays we're playing with the boys

Unknown Speaker 20:10
are playing guys are playing I will be your arm. And I will watch Kylie I will pimp her out don't worry. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:16
don't worry. I'm I want to like I know I want to is gonna go like is it gonna cause a problem? Are people gonna fight and apparently they're sore losers and sore winners. They're also from Summerlin and Centennial so I can't wait to steal all of their money. See how we do it on the east side over here? Yeah. I don't even make a dent in their funds. We don't even make a dent. Yeah. I was like, How much do you play with? He was like me, but go easy on you keep it like 60 bucks. I was like, $16 He's like, it's a $20 buy it. I was like, $20 I am. You're 18 What are you talking about? You make $12 an hour?

Unknown Speaker 20:49
I think. I think we're gonna be all it was. And by week, Ashley,

Unknown Speaker 20:53
thank you. Is your Are you playing?

Unknown Speaker 20:55
I want to.

Unknown Speaker 20:56
I don't know. Okay, so this is my like, Great Debate. She

Unknown Speaker 20:59
keeps looking at me. So I should give her money to play like, oh, no, actually, do I even like is it $20 worth it? That's the buy in, you're gonna need to come in with like, 68 like

Unknown Speaker 21:08
the idea if she says

Unknown Speaker 21:12
you come in with like, less money, you're gonna be like, damn, I gotta make all that money back. So then you're probably going to want to make money. But if you come in, like you'll have a motivation.

Unknown Speaker 21:19
I don't know. That's a lot. Whoever I can't take credit. No. Can they take UNLV gift cards?

Unknown Speaker 21:25
Can they take charge? But yeah, there's also I also don't, I also never won a game of beer pong. Because every time I played beer pong, I'm like, Well, no, that's not true. I have one but it's like, it's not my ratio is not good. I always like fumble at the last second because I get to. Because everybody, every time I play, I'm like, my partner's like, no, that's your cup. And I always drink everything that you do you. Wait, hold on, and then when you're playing you like, it's kind of slow. So like, you have a drink already in your hand. So it's like hard. So by the end, I'm like, Who's

Unknown Speaker 21:58
that last beer pong partner? Is it is it cat?

Unknown Speaker 22:01
It's me myself. And I was gonna say, I don't think anyone nobody carries me. Yeah, nobody cares. Me. Always. Always. Elites like the I always

Unknown Speaker 22:10
win series of cup falling like you're really. And I'm in dude, every time we go somewhere and there's a table I'll like, I'll think about me. I'll bounce from every like, I'll be everywhere at once. And then I'll look at Ashley. And there's there the whole time

Unknown Speaker 22:27
and I'm locked in row by row. My nostrils are flared, my eyes are staring down this like fry guy. That's this five seven frat guy. And I'm like, one of us is going home tonight and it's not going to be Ubik live

Unknown Speaker 22:40
like this like change of like eight different teammates and you're still there. And I'm

Unknown Speaker 22:45
still this was when you guys played outside. And it was like oh, when we

Unknown Speaker 22:49
were like during October. Yeah, yeah, that was a crazy because it was like cigarette ashes. It

Unknown Speaker 22:53
was literally the nastiest you pick up the ping pong ball and it was crazy. I was like,

Unknown Speaker 22:57
close your eyes. Think I got sick from that. Hey,

Unknown Speaker 23:00
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Amen. My immune system probably means it's been six cents. I have but I'm always sick because of all these games. But um, but yeah, I have a very I'm really competitive even though I like don't always win. Do win though. Yeah, but like, don't matter if I've never played I will still beat you. Yeah, I'm sorry. I just can't lose. I never lose. You're just like, I'm just I just don't lose I refuse to lose. I'm a bad loser. I'm a bad like you don't want to be at the table when I lose and you don't want to be at the table when I win. And play a game of Monopoly when

Unknown Speaker 23:34
asked me what I would do if I didn't win

Unknown Speaker 23:36
I guess we'll never know playing a game with a monopoly with me is so like horrible is so horrible if we're playing like real silver ever finished either the national game Monopoly because like to win you got to like buy out your person you have to be like broke and I'm like I and it was I don't I'm it's moral the story is I'm a sore loser and winner

Unknown Speaker 24:01
but I'm a good time. Always a good time. You know, always

Unknown Speaker 24:05
we don't have to like convince people that were fun because they hang out this one. Yeah, speaking speaking, like doesn't make us sound conceited.

Unknown Speaker 24:13
It just makes me sound but speaking of the whole like reason we're having this whole merger in the first place is because like the guy that like our friend is hanging out with is like, no, like, you guys are like super fun. Like, I think like he says, like you guys, I think you guys can hang out with my friends and get along well, doesn't. I'm not denying that we are fun. We pull up into a function and the whole the whole world revolves around us. We're screaming at each other. We're dancing. We're taking a word stealing alcohol. A fire. Oh, we're okay. We'll get there and we're like, should we get a drink? Like we make ourselves at home pretty quickly and like, I guess that's the kind of energy you need for like a function so it's just we're always lit no matter what because like, yeah, I always have fun because we're fun like I'm so All right, but what's the what? When you do that in someone's like own private home at a kickback? Oh, I've gotten kicked out.

Unknown Speaker 25:08
I think it's important to note that we're only fun because we move like men. We are little

Unknown Speaker 25:15
men. Yeah, that's how we are if we were to start online,

Unknown Speaker 25:17
everything out,

Unknown Speaker 25:18
we're like men. Yeah, we actually like our friend group, like, almost fought the other weekend. And we were like, like, there was a paragraph typed out in the group chat and like, my response to that was literally, my response to the paragraph was literally are you talking about? I was like, I was like, literally, what was the point of that? Because it was it was so stupid. Like, I literally love you all so much, but it's like when we fight I'm like, Yeah, girl get up.

Unknown Speaker 25:50
Always. Yeah, so I

Unknown Speaker 25:51
don't ever there'd be a little bit of an issue be like, okay, and and get over Yeah, I just kind of lose your mama and be totally

Unknown Speaker 25:57
your mother. But I think that's that's healing that is healing. That's so lit personally. I would never ever hold anything like if you ever like not invited me to like your sleepover. I'd be like, she doesn't love me. I'd be like mad she probably knew I was working and then moved on. It's actually so like healthy I think it's like the least toxic like way to deal with things I think it's just men maybe it's just like how we move it's just like little boys little little boys. You've heard Little Women Only thing

Unknown Speaker 26:26
we don't do and I think we should is actually physically fight each other. I think that should we do have boxing gloves? Yes. boxing glove like comically law. I

Unknown Speaker 26:33
did pop one they are comically like she popped

Unknown Speaker 26:35
it was deflated.

Unknown Speaker 26:36
Were you fighting you? Oh, yeah, my head hurt. But um, yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 26:42

Unknown Speaker 26:43
You're literally so dramatic. didn't even touch you. She

Unknown Speaker 26:46
didn't even hit you. That sounds crazy. That sounds crazy with no content.

Unknown Speaker 26:51
And never even I never touched her.

Unknown Speaker 26:55
Like asking you for it. She like you literally were asking for it. And I never touched

Unknown Speaker 26:58
her. So back to what we're talking about.

Unknown Speaker 27:02
Dude, school is literally like

Unknown Speaker 27:06
I think lastly, oh my

Unknown Speaker 27:08
god. But yeah, this semester is feels so much longer than October so far. Just like that. feels longer.

Unknown Speaker 27:15
I think it actually is longer.

Unknown Speaker 27:16
I know. I think it's shorter. I feel like not as much as going on now. Like spring semester wise. Well, no, it's

Unknown Speaker 27:23
not that I just feel like, I don't know. It's weird, because in October, I'm sticking more credits. And I had more going on. We were moving. I was working. I like it a lot. Like I was working a lot and I was babysitting and I was just doing a lot. And I ended up with like a 3.8 peer in this semester. I'm like, about to like withdrawal from a class and I'm only going to like I don't know what happened. Spring

Unknown Speaker 27:45
semester is does feel harder, but I did switch majors into a harder major so it's Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:50
biology and doing good though. Like from what I can Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 27:54
have I don't have a reason A's so it's like fine. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah. Cuz like, I feel like if I'm draining now it feels like I actually have a direction where I'm going. And I'm like, I'm doing this for a reason. That's actually why I got a new job. So I can afford a different like online kind of like certification so I could attain like a medical assistants listing license. That's fine. We're literally getting there later on. I'm gonna cry. Also, do you know it's a weird thing to experience now? Like, it's so hard to like, feel like go through all of these hard courses and like, Alright, we're almost there almost getting through it. We're working towards something. And then you turn around and your little cousins and your little siblings are like catching up to you. It's like my little cousins about to graduate high school and I'm like, oh my god stop like literally stop both of them. They're literally about to graduate high school and they're looking at colleges and like they want to come here and they want to like visit and go to out of state and I'm like,

Unknown Speaker 28:46
Oh my God. Like I feel so old and nobody tells me that last fall semester aged me to a level of like I'm I'm an adult semester

Unknown Speaker 28:55
aged and and like the whole thing of like closing out your freshman year of college like I know we did college classes. I know we did college classes in like high school and we took a few credits, but it's like, this was your real first year at a university. Alright, so to sum up this episode, we're just moving along in life we'll check back in and yeah, let's see how that will check that I love what we're calling it a merger even though it's just even though it's probably just like friends hanging out.

Unknown Speaker 29:23
Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

Unknown Speaker 29:39
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

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