Unknown Speaker 0:00
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education
Unknown Speaker 0:13
Welcome to Growing Pains I'm your host ginger join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up we trying not to break down changement
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chain are you gonna sing sing every time Yeah,
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that's actually me on the track.
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I was just gonna say hi. Wow, are we saying wow, that's I made this joke so
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many times.
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I'm not agenda that's like that's I literally talked about that. I say that all the time and he decided to take your money,
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everybody Welcome to Growing Pains. We have a full full table to stop talking. So we're joined by two guests who've consistently been on Ileana and Vic. Hey ladies. Hey, yeah.
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Round of applause
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Yeah, that's the thing with ASMR he
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told the world that it's like
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such a normal thing.
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boyfriend is super no no.
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Okay. All right. Let's not stop
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Alright, song of the week let's get into
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come into the tree.
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What do you see? Oh my gosh. Are you see Dre is in the building with us. Okay,
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and wants to go first song of the week. I think Ileana why I
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want to go guys if you could see me right now I am holding a copy of The Hunger Games. She literally I'm literally I did bring it to the studio I've been living in breathing Peeta and Katniss for the past week and a half. My song of the week is The Ballad of Lucy gray Baird. We're about to learn how to play it like on the guitar.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
Was it a good movie give me a quick little review.
Unknown Speaker 2:01
Quick a quick little review snow
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Unknown Speaker 2:10
yes. No could get it. That's it. I hope Madison's not listening to this.
Unknown Speaker 2:15
Oh my God saying that right in front of your girlfriend. Crazy.
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She's actually in the next room. We brought her here as a surprise. And now she's gonna be
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she's actually asleep at my apartment right now.
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Ashley SIB says
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Ashley sy V.
Unknown Speaker 2:38
Anyone explain what sent me
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steal your female dog?
Unknown Speaker 2:43
Yeah, imagining the rest of that. Song in the week is gonna be hot to go by Chapel Road or coffee. Chapel Road is amazing. That's what I have to say. I
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wonder why you said that. Wink wink.
Unknown Speaker 2:56
Unknown Speaker 3:01
I'll go next. My song of the week is gonna be um, hold me down by Daniel Cesar. Daniel Cesar. I don't really on that lately.
Unknown Speaker 3:11
What about you do some crazy things to see him live? Um, I can't really just choose between like three songs. I'll just say one. Because this has been like my OG song since forever. Self control Frank Ocean. Oh, she's
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going through it.
Unknown Speaker 3:26
That's like my that's just my song.
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I was like, like, so sad the other day and I went into Kylie's room, and like made her explain the entire analysis of self control. I actually only asked one question and then she didn't stop talking for 10 minutes about it.
Unknown Speaker 3:41
Yeah, one thing about me yesterday, I'll go talk and yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:48
All right, Victoria.
Unknown Speaker 3:50
Mine. Okay. It's kind of an oldie. I've been listening to a lot of oldies recently. So mine is who's loving you from the Jackson Five. Oh,
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I've seen your oldies like on your store lately, and they're so good. Thank you. I like to listen to
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amazing music tastes like when we're driving in the car and Vic puts out a playlist. It's beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 4:08
I love the music
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tastes. What did I do last week? Did I do a Taylor Swift last week? Yeah. I did not know we don't talk. Alright, this week. I'm going to do places we won't walk by Bruno major. Oh,
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that was so late. 2018 me back.
Unknown Speaker 4:27
Okay, it's holiday. Guys. It's
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almost Thanksgiving tomorrow, which
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means it's almost Christmas.
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Ashley just Christmas
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hater. Number one Christmas. Number one
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Scrooge over here.
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Yeah, but you look like the
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Grinch. You're wearing Okay, greens, the elite color. I love elite. Thank you. So
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Unknown Speaker 4:48
We had a Friendsgiving we did Saturday.
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We hosted a case you guys like could not like more sick of us. We got together all of us all knowing nine of us got together and had a Friendsgiving
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yeah and then we sat around at the table and like explained what we love about each other
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Unknown Speaker 5:08
it was ginger cried there were
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I love I love you guys so much but it was really fun The food was really good we all made the food by the way it makes so much food
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we may still have it
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Oh my Gosh Hey that Turkey Ashley paws
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made mac and cheese and the disclaimer disclaimer. I literally projectile hurt
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that I don't know it makes me sound like my mac and cheese wasn't good.
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It was delicious. And then and then my girlfriend ate the leftovers and she also got sick so endpoint I think Ashley was was trying to poison us
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you're also last
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people I'm also lactose intolerant I
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should have made it sound like her mac and cheese was so bad.
Unknown Speaker 5:55
Oh no her mac and cheese was like so delicious but like it made like two peas like two of the know I got sick two three of the nine people sick so I think that was poisoning.
Unknown Speaker 6:06
In conclusion Ashley did a great job cooking all of us did a great job it's so good.
Unknown Speaker 6:11
We just real quick see what we all brought? Yeah, yeah, you go first. I roasted broccoli asparagus in Brussel sprouts. And I also made sweet potatoes.
Unknown Speaker 6:22
Veggies would you bring Victoria
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so I made like what's it called Monkey Bread?
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It was so good. It was so yummy. Yeah.
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I was trying to make them into like a pumpkin monkey monkey bread but I couldn't do it. And then I also bought like a four cheese pasta that I
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also oh and i i was in it for literally days I probably shouldn't have but I was eating that thing up.
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It was so delicious. actually pause
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actually did everything I
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am yeah, I did. I got up really early and my mom came over and because it's all my mom's recipes and my grandma's and not as a thought that's in recipe. So I, me and my mom. buttered up a bird. Yeah. Put it that put that in the oven. Then we made some stuffing. And I only liked my mom's stuffing and I don't know why that was always picky with that but like I love her stuffing so I made that and what else did I do? Mac and cheese oh and the mac and cheese? Which nobody nearly killed me it was so like nobody told me how much okay, nobody told me how I'd never been mac and cheese before that. I had always done the stuffing in the turkey with my mom so I knew like what to get and how to prep that because we always prep it the night before and blah blah blah. But the mac and cheese like almost took me out we had me my friend Cassandra like graded like eight pounds of cheese. It was crazy.
Unknown Speaker 7:41
She's like what how much she's really honest.
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I like four kinds of cheese and I ate it like the Thanksgiving Day and then I ate it for leftovers. Ileana
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heard that there was gonna be eight pounds of cheese and that baby she had to she had to get in there but now I can't use
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like having Reaper like flashbacks
Unknown Speaker 8:04
Oh, first of all, I just want to say though I took a bite when I first took a bite of Ashley's Turkey which I got the leg because I'm like Oh man, that was a cool big leg bite and I was
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so funny All right.
Unknown Speaker 8:20
Fine, let's move on.
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Whatever I just end the episode now I was actually signing out it was so
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moist it was so beautiful. I honestly it was so good. And like the flavor was there and I just remember like thinking like this is what men have
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you like have you ever
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seen something before? Like
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all right.
Unknown Speaker 8:41
Yeah, no so why are you like ginger ginger you're
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doing a Olympic flips on it. We just asked you what you brought.
Unknown Speaker 8:46
Literally, you're still talking about her bird you just want to know what you brought up the turkey
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I can give you a bird right now.
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So basically I brought lumpia Zinger
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which is
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I never had to try it on my shows.
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There was so much
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Filipino like little girls it's so good it comes with this like sweet sauce and I so I had to fry them up
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basically 19 year old like 819 year old girls got into that kitchen where we belong and we cooked we ate we did not beat the rumors we we literally serve unfortunately we we can't beat the shots
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are feminists everywhere like filter amazing cried Oh my god.
Unknown Speaker 9:30
Did you guys hear that Matt rife like joke that he made like on his like opening?
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Oh, Matt rife says it's so funny. I think he's hot like nobody
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said he was no he's actually nevermind. That's
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the only reason why he gets the platform he has it's Christmas
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on and he was like oh I went to this diner and like the waitress that was like, like helping me and my friend had like a black eye and then he proceeded to make a joke about she got a black eye because she can't cook and how like women deserve to like be in the kitchen and stuff. Like literally that couldn't believe it but anyways, that's huge. So
Unknown Speaker 10:07
those are like so I brought the best pumpkin pie in the world and I think I ate half of that pie real life guys so
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delicious and scrumptious and immaculate. What did she do? She just went away.
Unknown Speaker 10:21
Yes, I made and delicious. I literally,
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but like the stress. Do
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I have time either? Good.
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I made a graham cracker crust. Oh, and I'm making that up
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okay, yeah
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like normal. Okay, anyways,
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did you so bad?
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You met? You were
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basically yeah, it was like our first Thanksgiving in or Friendsgiving in college right now with our college friend group. I had had a Friendsgiving before in my previous region to get the invite. No, because you didn't go to my school. So no, I wouldn't invite you over for Friendsgiving I'd like to be your friend
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know more about American Girl dolls.
Unknown Speaker 11:24
But I don't even talk to those people anymore. But in the college, fireside Kylie, I'm begging you shut up for one second. Like God Yeah, we weren't in there. So the these folks have had this is their first Friendsgiving and I think I think it turned out the turnout was so great. Everybody came with so many so much food and so much love. I
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didn't even say what I'm in. Oh guess what y'all made I made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole and crazy salad show good. My mashed potatoes were really bad I'm sorry guys. They were so bad.
Unknown Speaker 11:59
The what was so bad the mashed potatoes on me so I don't even remember.
Unknown Speaker 12:03
I'm gonna be like one criteria for potatoes in it. That's literally like, you can't mess up. Potatoes are not going to be the shows and I'm going to need you to not tell people that you messed up mashed potatoes on like live television or like yeah, come on. One thing
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about Gianna is she can't cook she
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cannot Oh. came out good because your grandma helped you but
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that's funny she because we did a poll and Gianna got Yeah, one of the
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inking of picking
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up one of those Google Forms with like,
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somebody pulled up.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
So I made a little Google Form for our friend group. And the results are telling let's go through the results the results.
Unknown Speaker 12:47
Let's see. So ginger. Ileana Gianna me. Cassandra, Cassandra Victoria Ashley I don't know why my brain just like muted we all answered so that's what seven and my
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so Alex paws and Priscilla paws are a part of this poll
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and their opinions Priscilla only really know me Gianna and ginger sets actually
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stretching it I'm not gonna lie to you. They don't even they they call you Carly. Like what are you talking about? Yo, where's Carly? They just see me as gay. And they call ginger the gay one. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:20
But this is our friend groups google survey to
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get on with it.
Unknown Speaker 13:29
Okay, so for most wifey material. The winner was Ileana. Between Ileana and Gianna, I got to vote and Ashley got a vote for most wifey material. And I just
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Gianna can't cook. That's what I was trying to get. I mean, really anyone?
Unknown Speaker 13:49
I do clean? No,
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I'm saying I'm not saying you don't. I'm just saying cooking or cleaning. And
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then for the most nonchalant which have we given have we told them about caste and I know a lot about caste. She's never
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been Cassandra had
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a friend named Cassandra who goes by Cassie. And I met her in like seventh grade and she stands on business. She
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she she's very Samantha Jones fret facts. Yeah, she's like the Samantha Jones.
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Like she's my idol. Yeah, I
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want to be here when she's like,
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Unknown Speaker 14:19
she's never she's a great
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Unknown Speaker 14:21
she's always both keep like
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Willie she really does not have a problem with like, not prioritizing guys like she kind of just like doesn't ever like need validation from guys or like she kind of just know she's so real. She just like knows you just like has fun with that. Yeah, she knows how to like have fun and like not get her heartbroken. That's a great way to she knows how to not get her heartbeat. She
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never takes it then like seriously. Yeah, by
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the first red flag. She's out.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
Yeah, hold
Unknown Speaker 14:50
on. I love that. That's why for most nonchalant casts won by a landslide. Yeah. But that's what Kylie and Ashley did get votes, which Ashley is the I was like too long. Oh wait, I gotta vote. Yeah, I know for guys
Unknown Speaker 15:05
most nonchalant I think yeah, I don't think I would call it I would call I wouldn't call myself nonchalant with guys
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now for smartest we have Ashley paws with five votes I got a vote and Ileana go to vote now
Unknown Speaker 15:19
this is one this you so you actually pause one as the smartest
Unknown Speaker 15:22
yes yes and then for dumbest I know there's a hard decision very much so I got the dumbest, which was funny because it used to be 100% but Ashley's parents changed that up and voted
Unknown Speaker 15:39
Willie honest actually my dad why he doesn't know who you are.
Unknown Speaker 15:43
Just pick the name.
Unknown Speaker 15:45
Ashley's dad like did not know who any of us that like Is it me or Ashley or Kylie was
Unknown Speaker 15:51
I was like giving yourself too much credit guys. I'm gonna be sure. He doesn't know.
Unknown Speaker 15:57
He knows who I okay. But he sat there. It was like it was like Victoria. Yeah, she's going to jail.
Unknown Speaker 16:03
I know he knew her.
Unknown Speaker 16:07
It was sitting on his couch right next.
Unknown Speaker 16:08
Right there. He's like which one's Victoria?
Unknown Speaker 16:11
You're going to? You're not going to jail. You're going crazy.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
Okay, next category. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:18
This one is called Taylor Swift song. What is it?
Unknown Speaker 16:22
Oh my god. You guys are reading these like you're making anyway
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so this is the biggest go ahead and read biggest person who loves biggest lover of white man lover. No, no, no, this is just the biggest. This is the biggest lover. This is the biggest getter rounder man.
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A man eater.
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Biggest man eater. CASS she got the most votes but their biggest garden tool virginiana Ashley and
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me I just voted Ashley like I don't it
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was probably ironic. Ginger herself
Unknown Speaker 16:53
I think I voted ginger to No, I
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only got one by
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voting for Cassandra and that's my best friend in my entire world. And I still voted for her for biggest garden tool. Let's
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go Cassandra. Worst taste in men. Now I need to say that this was evenly divided.
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Like at one point we all kind of like six for six. Everybody
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voted for someone different.
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But the one who got one extra vote is Miss Gianna. Gianna.
Unknown Speaker 17:18
If you have ever if a Gianna giver has ever had a crush on you, I'm gonna need you to reevaluate yeah here because you definitely got a skinwalker you're definitely
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something about me is I love ugly guys. I like to give them a tent like I I like an ugly guy. What can I say? Well,
Unknown Speaker 17:33
I feel bad for you.
Unknown Speaker 17:35
I would literally like you my kids will be cute if I was like a man who you've like had something with in the past and I heard that I think I would genuinely like walk out into like, yeah, that's
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my goal in life. I hope they walk into the ocean.
Unknown Speaker 17:47
The reason I feel bad for your kids is because the most likely to get pregnant was Gianna Yeah, I gotta vote Yeah, but me getting pregnant is gonna take work
Unknown Speaker 18:00
and that's why you're still the most likely first one
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to get married was me. But Jana Vic and Kylie got votes.
Unknown Speaker 18:08
Yeah, Ashley paws is not on that board at all.
Unknown Speaker 18:13
This is fun one would let your Sunday so out of the group who would you let your Sunday Oh,
Unknown Speaker 18:17
can I explain this is really funny. Go who won?
Unknown Speaker 18:23
The winner was Kylie oh, what's up but Vic was I didn't
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vote for Kylie Neverland.
Unknown Speaker 18:30
Yo yo yo, yo. Guns down.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Raisin This is a great I voted for my dear friend Victoria because let me tell you if my son had brown hair and was taught this girl is loyal. Loyal it's not going anywhere
Unknown Speaker 18:48
she's Yeah, she's she will not look anywhere. The next category
Unknown Speaker 18:53
All right, the next category is biggest red flag.
Unknown Speaker 18:58
Who is the winner? Oh, it's ginger
Unknown Speaker 19:00
Genesis Garcia Garcia is the biggest red
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flag and not
Unknown Speaker 19:04
a red flag you're
Unknown Speaker 19:07
in love ginger if you were a man like that's what they may be a minute ginger makes nevermind about don't ever run yes that was gonna air out treats every single like talking stage as like an individual life
Unknown Speaker 19:21
that's like no ginger just has like did or like
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no guitar or did it wrong? Like
Unknown Speaker 19:29
I think like I'm super I think you lead a lot of people on
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she's gonna marry every person
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tend to be really casual about certain things that aren't
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but that's a red flag. A red flag. But
Unknown Speaker 19:43
I don't worry don't worry. I'm a changed woman recently injure is just
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listen to the previous episodes to know why. Hmm, most
Unknown Speaker 19:50
delusional. This used to be 100% although it's still a landslide Vic is the winner.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
But what do you have for yourself your prize?
Unknown Speaker 19:59
I actually don't know if
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you think you are guilty. Do you think guys I do not like I'm deleting.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
That's why we have the proof is in the pudding folks.
Unknown Speaker 20:11
I genuinely didn't know who do you think is the most delusional and if it's not Yeah, it must be me. Wait be honest. If you think me let's not but let's not create any biases. No.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
I think it's me. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:20
I chose jet No, I don't think I chose I think I chose myself.
Unknown Speaker 20:24
I think I didn't vote for myself, but I think because it was like 100% you up until my like dad voted? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:29
because your dad and me so actually, that means you voted yourself for one of the because you had 100% for one of them. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 20:37
did vote for myself in that category. I'm not gonna lie to you.
Unknown Speaker 20:40
We'll get to that soon, but actually also get a vote for most I probably
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my mom voted that one. I don't my mom is my mom literally sat in front of me dead in the eye and clicked Ashley pause my solution now
Unknown Speaker 20:52
for like eight months about one person. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 20:55
we actually know Bailey wasn't
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she was pretty aware. She was like, so weird. Alright,
Unknown Speaker 21:01
next. Because you are aware then you kept doing it. Oh, you
Unknown Speaker 21:04
want to talk? Okay. All right. All right. What
Unknown Speaker 21:06
can you say? Lady? Relationship what can you actually bring out
Unknown Speaker 21:10
biggest players in next category cast one but I got in second place and then Gianna you got to one vote. I think that was from Alex paws. Probably maybe it was from my mom as well. Now I am very very insanely excited for this next category. It is the biggest go get around there for white men eight. It's eight that eight lover of white men 100% Ashley paws would have to say for yourself.
Unknown Speaker 21:38
Give me two margaritas. Give me three Margarita. Um,
Unknown Speaker 21:42
she wants some pasta and lopsided stewed parents voted for that means my dad
Unknown Speaker 21:46
He's tying my my my my own father Alex paws. Nico and man my own mother. Priscilla paws Mexican woman literally sat in front of me and press Ashley Paws for biggest lover of white men and I just could. They've had to sit through. We're not a secret kind of family. Unfortunately.
Unknown Speaker 22:06
I don't even think you've liked the most Whiteman
Unknown Speaker 22:08
no she hasn't but I think no Ben, but I doesn't have a track record literally like 2% of them have been white unfortunately for my track record but the most damage have been by them. No. 5050
Unknown Speaker 22:22
What can I say? A moment of silence.
Unknown Speaker 22:25
Zero vote Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:27
I'm just gonna on type of Hunger Games, you know? No way she did. And none of them have given me pasta and lobster.
Unknown Speaker 22:38
Yeah, that's not true guys. I
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actually didn't even have a roster. All right. Any
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of them sent you a stack just because you fine. So
Unknown Speaker 22:48
how about you? Did you like I don't know. I
Unknown Speaker 22:50
like forgot yourself. I like forgot the line. I'm not gonna lie.
Unknown Speaker 22:54
Now. The very last question was most likely to go to jail. And Ashley paws was the winner can you give up there's
Unknown Speaker 23:01
a reason why. There's a reason why. And we all like we didn't even talk when we voted. But like we all have the same reason for
Unknown Speaker 23:09
why listen as college girls they go out when college girls go out there's some activities that happen Gianna gaffer when she endeavors in such activities that we can't talk about on the radio. She would be the kind of have you guys ever hung out with those kind of girls that are like, Oh, girls can't say excuse me now
Unknown Speaker 23:29
or no? No girl she has no filter man.
Unknown Speaker 23:32
That's worse that's worse because now I gotta go to jail with a black guy like Jesus. Gianna doesn't have a filter. Gianna does have a filter and Gianna i and she's very aggressive when she's out. Oh, God. Crazy.
Unknown Speaker 23:59
Let me get punching in a black.
Unknown Speaker 24:02
We all heard this. Wow, that's crazy. Okay, anyways, Jonah gets very aggressive and she doesn't realize it and a lot of people will look at her sideways. And unfortunately Gianna and I unfortunately Gianna will be the one to start getting swung on and I just can't let my girl go down on that. So now I gotta step in. Ashley
Unknown Speaker 24:19
would have to save me from like getting I really like do believe one day that like a man is gonna punch me in the way
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and I gotta go and fight and somebody's gonna call the cops. And I'm gonna go to jail. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:30
that's like a crazy thing. I don't want to unpack that.
Unknown Speaker 24:33
But it would get like, what's so
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crazy is everybody come up. They're like, Wait, why is actually going to do a drill? They're like, probably for fighting and it's probably John's fault. Everybody said that. And I was like everyone, okay, all right. But which also my dad didn't vote for me because he looked me in the eye and he goes, You think you can fight? Excuse me? Who did he? He voted for me.
Unknown Speaker 24:53
He's like, he's like Victoria. Yeah, that girl's going to jail.
Unknown Speaker 24:58
I think my mom voted for you. Didn't you get a vote? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 25:01
I think it was that Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:02
I also think I would go to jail. But also got a vote. No, we've talked about this for like public intoxication or I'd be putting you
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guys in jail.
Unknown Speaker 25:10
Oh yeah. Put in federal oh you put in jail. I don't serve you I don't set up last
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category. Yeah, that wasn't last category. So that was an inside view of our group. That's how I feel about each other. Yeah, that's crazy. And
Unknown Speaker 25:25
your Sunday that's all I gotta say.
Unknown Speaker 25:27
And I thought but didn't Gianna when that let
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your son know. Kylie did we just looked at
Unknown Speaker 25:36
no one should date me
Unknown Speaker 25:38
doesn't believe it.
Unknown Speaker 25:39
Yeah. What would? What would be the downfall like what's the negative? I literally didn't say that. I was confused because I thought no, I saw it in your eyes.
Unknown Speaker 25:47
I wouldn't let my Sunday you because you freaky and tall. Oh. Notice how
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tower number one.
Unknown Speaker 25:55
You got the first. You're the first our first one to go into the day.
Unknown Speaker 26:05
Guys, I know I would love to listen, if my son dated Kylie, that'd be great.
Unknown Speaker 26:10
Would you let your Sunday me know?
Unknown Speaker 26:13
Would you let your daughter date me?
Unknown Speaker 26:15
I think I voted. I voted. No, I voted Victoria which one of them? I said worst taste in men. I think I said was Ileana. I think it was because I was like guess well i Guys,
Unknown Speaker 26:27
which is crazy. If you guys had met me a year ago this would like I would have such an entirely different personality. I probably would have won like the biggest garden thing for white men because every single minute of like every single man I've ever gone out with has been a white man. Yo,
Unknown Speaker 26:42
what? Yo, Yeah, same. Yeah. If you met me like, maybe a year ago
Unknown Speaker 26:47
before I like I think I can only really claim like to know I've ever
Unknown Speaker 26:51
seen, but like the one that caused me the most damage was not white.
Unknown Speaker 26:55
Yes, he actually was yes, he was yes, he was. No Yes, he was. Listen, listen. It's my personal mission in life to actually make everybody understand that that man is Irish with a tan like it's so disrespectful. Let's call him Mexican. He's so white. Dude.
Unknown Speaker 27:11
I know. It's like you speak Spanish to me once and even I was like, ah
Unknown Speaker 27:17
I'm sorry you didn't you guys also put me first smartest and then I did your smartest. Smartest. I'm like not,
Unknown Speaker 27:24
but I don't know actually real life. I know you gotta win. That's why it's fun. I want
Unknown Speaker 27:28
to change my answer now. Because do you know who is the dumbest person in this room?
Unknown Speaker 27:39
Other day, the other day I got I got initial ornaments for our Christmas tree that I put in Ashley. I put them in the tree. And Kylie got home from the day of work. And I was like, oh, did you see the ornaments? I put in the Christmas tree. She She like looks so innocent and smiled at the tree and looked back on it. Oh yeah. The pine cones.
Unknown Speaker 27:58
The pine cones came glued hot glued onto the tree. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 28:04
I didn't see any ornaments. I only saw pine cones. I was like, Alright. That's what I thought she was referring to.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
But why did you just say, Oh, no, that's not what you did. That's not what I meant.
Unknown Speaker 28:15
I don't know. I just didn't see the ornaments and you guys took it as like, this girl is stupid. Like she's coming close. Oh, Kylie. No, no, that's an old old one.
Unknown Speaker 28:25
I hope you guys enjoyed our friend group. Now everyone's gonna avoid us.
Unknown Speaker 28:29
You guys know us a little bit better because if that's how we view each other. Oh, I can't even imagine
Unknown Speaker 28:34
how we're perceived to the public. I
Unknown Speaker 28:36
actually want to throw up thinking about i i know go
Unknown Speaker 28:39
ahead and listen to episode like two or three the one where I'd like tell you all of my fears about being perceived. Yeah. I love
Unknown Speaker 28:47
being perceived. We know. No, I love when people talk about thoughts behind her eyes. I love it. That's like yeah, like, please tell me what you think about me. I love it. You
Unknown Speaker 28:58
don't want to hear what Oh, nevermind. Thank you. I knowing everybody please erase this from your mind. Thank
Unknown Speaker 29:03
you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.
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