

Speaker 1 0:03
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host ginger, join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up we try not to break down

Unknown Speaker 0:17
isn't that a great song? That's you love it. That's

Speaker 2 0:20
such an amazing. Such a great song to do like,

Speaker 1 0:25
I made it. I actually actually know. Oh, I was like,

Unknown Speaker 0:29
Oh, she's so creative.

Speaker 3 0:31
I'm gonna steal the joke and say Didn't you know that was me on the track?

Unknown Speaker 0:35
was on the drag?

Speaker 1 0:36
Oh guys, we are joined by a very special guest. Ashley, I feel like you should do.

Unknown Speaker 0:43
Everybody. I want you to get to a very warm welcome to my literal twin. Psycho. BFF. Miss Cassie Diaz right over here. Hi, guys. I literally GAVI government. Oh,

Speaker 2 1:00
I'm so excited to be here. I've been wanting to be on the podcast for so long.

Unknown Speaker 1:03
What episode is this? Ginger?

Unknown Speaker 1:04
I don't know. 11 or 12? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
You finally remember to rename the tracks I saw.

Unknown Speaker 1:13
This is we talked about her last episode. This one was our very much Samantha Jones friends are the one that she knows how to play the game. Yeah,

Speaker 2 1:22
guys, I think I was brought into this group to like turn you guys into like man eaters? Yes. So is it working? I think I'm hoping actually a little bit. I really learned

Unknown Speaker 1:35
to stand on business. Thanks to Cassandra. Yeah, we're to go to 100% on them on the survey. But that doesn't mean I don't stay on business. Just true. Yeah, i Okay. i 100% Eight for eight. That's including both of my parents. And I want 100% White Boy lover like whatever. Whatever. It's fine, whatever. That doesn't mean I don't say my business. Yeah. She's new and

Unknown Speaker 1:58
improved, guys.

Speaker 3 1:59
Thank you. I would have assumed Ashley already stolen business before you would assume.

Unknown Speaker 2:06
However, I was in the trenches. I was down bad.

Unknown Speaker 2:09
I was atrocious. atrocious, it

Unknown Speaker 2:12
was so bad that in this episode, you guys, this isn't an AV podcast but you would see that I chopped off all of my show. I do.

Speaker 2 2:22
Just went on a date today. And I was like we have to post on Instagram so everybody can see your hair. She got a Bob You look so

Unknown Speaker 2:28
like Gracie. April.

Speaker 2 2:31
No, you know who I told her? She looked like. Have you watched the show? Breaking Bad Jessie and Jane. She looks like Jane. I think she was like Jane. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 2:40
also made my hair go darker.

Speaker 3 2:41
I was gonna say that something was definitely darker. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:45
I stand on business and what you know what they say once she changes her hair. She she's she she not going back?

Speaker 3 2:52
Darker with the with the leather jacket. That's it's given.

Unknown Speaker 2:55
Thank you. It's giving just giving everyone

Unknown Speaker 2:58
go like Ashley's post. Oh, yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 3:00
All right now you're doing all right. Let's make her viral. All right. All right. Um, so this is my twin Cassandra. Because like, first of all, she's a Gemini. And I'm a Gemini. Oh, you're a Gemini? Ha.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
Have a triple Ersan problem.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
Oh, me too. Oh,

Speaker 2 3:22
I honestly don't even know my big three. Oh, I don't. You just gotta

Unknown Speaker 3:27
know that you're a Gemini and that's enough. Yes. It's enough like as Gemini. We'd love you though. Because I'm a Gemini rising. So so socially, I project as a Gemini is

Unknown Speaker 3:38
the one I'm not my rising as Aquarius. Oh,

Speaker 2 3:41
I like Yes. I love Aquarius. My sister's one. My sister's an Aquarius, too. And she's crazy though. Yeah, they're toxic Loki. Wait, which

Unknown Speaker 3:51
sisters in Aquarius, Vanessa. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. You guys get along Gemini as an Aquarius get along very well. They do. My parents know that's so true. My parents my parents are Gemini and Aquarius, and they've been married 25 years, so that's nice. That's crazy. Anyway, so that's my twin because she's just my evil twin like unfortunately like what we were just talking about this together like we're the forbidden to man like

Unknown Speaker 4:25
it is fun when you guys get together being

Unknown Speaker 4:27
caskets and then I could just send her a little look from across the room. And we know this function is about to get flipped upside down. Like

Speaker 2 4:32
guys, it's actually so insane because like the minute we step into a function like it's actually is so fun. Like we really turn it up.

Unknown Speaker 4:41
Yo literally I'm so sick of like, let's pull it up to these main functions because I feel a lot of pressure.

Unknown Speaker 4:47
You all make it fun. I

Unknown Speaker 4:48
feel the pressure.

Speaker 3 4:50
You feel you have to like no, I gotta be. I gotta go. Now you make the

Unknown Speaker 4:54
especially because also because we're like a group of girls and we're loud. Yeah, and we're normally in Little to no clothing. So therefore, the guys are just they're gonna have fun

Unknown Speaker 5:07
with the fun and function

Unknown Speaker 5:11
I did not get that was

Speaker 3 5:14
good. I was telling ginger before y'all showed up that I have like goofy dad energy a lot of the time so I get a good vibe though. Oh yeah, no, I tried to I tried. I mean I have plushies in my office, I would hope that that helps.

Unknown Speaker 5:29
And they're Pokemon. Pokemon.

Speaker 3 5:31
It's curvy. Come on. No, no, not all of them. I like her. I have multiple Pokemon plushies. But

Unknown Speaker 5:38
I want Cassie to get on here and tell us tell us her ways of playing the game. Because let me tell you,

Speaker 1 5:44
what does that mean? You know, what is it? What do you do? How do you do? The rules? Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 5:48
basically, like if you could edit like all of us, like because you know how we function if you could just edit us do that. Okay,

Speaker 2 5:55
let's start off with Ashley. Ashley. She read you how I would edit you. I would just like you just need to be mentally strong and know like, she's good. Like, compared to other people I've seen before. Like, she's good. She really does stand on business. But like I just like overthink? Yes. But honestly, I don't blame her because I feel like I used to be the same way. I used to overthink so much like every little interaction I used to overthink, but then it just came to a point where it's like, why am I overthinking this much? And I just stopped caring

Unknown Speaker 6:27
literally. And it's honestly when I'm around because I get brave like real life like she makes me brave. Like that's why I love being around her.

Speaker 2 6:35
It's like we only live once guys like I do not care i promise you as

Speaker 1 6:39
much energy Cassie like literally I think yeah. And like you help the group but

Unknown Speaker 6:44
he does have such fun energy.

Speaker 2 6:46
But honestly, there's not much I would change about you like, I think you're so perfect. But it's like what it's like yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 6:53
just think this is the nicest Wes has ever seen.

Unknown Speaker 6:57
She's like actually smarter.

Unknown Speaker 7:01
Never ever seen Ashley this happy in the studio.

Unknown Speaker 7:04
What was actually funny is that Cass and I used to be like kind of close in middle school and then we kind of like drifted apart too. And then like we got close again the summer right before like we started college. So we were always like in and out of each other's lives. So we go back. So again, we started that first episode right with the first episode of invisible string. Yes. So Cassandra was actually still a part of that because once again, I introduced another good person for Lashley

Speaker 3 7:27
You're welcome. I was that person for my friend group back in high school of like, oh, let me introduce you to people.

Speaker 1 7:36
Cuz you gotta get through Ashley. Yeah, getting the group. Unfortunately. I'm

Unknown Speaker 7:39
very like hard to like.

Speaker 2 7:41
Ashley doesn't like you then. I'm sorry. You can't come in.

Unknown Speaker 7:46
Oh, okay. That's

Unknown Speaker 7:49
sir over here. Bouncer.

Unknown Speaker 7:52
No, we gotta fed jeez. But like, if I don't like your vibe, you're like, you're not hanging with me. And then also, I feel like, I feel like we all mesh together really well. So I feel like I can read. People really? Like yeah,

Speaker 2 8:03
it's so crazy, because we're all so different. But we all like have so much fun with each other. We all mesh so well. It's like we're like a puzzle. Like it's like a puzzle.

Unknown Speaker 8:16
It's so funny.

Unknown Speaker 8:17
It's literally so oh my God speaking of we're so opposite that like I actually wanted to like lock everybody out of my apartment yesterday because ginger and Gianna. Were in my apartment writing breakup songs and I don't know what it is that I really hate it I hate when people like whip out the guitar on the guitar. I hate it like if a man ever like like have you ever seen the Barbie movie we're

Unknown Speaker 8:38
new the second you said like he wants

Unknown Speaker 8:41
to push me around you could you could like push

Unknown Speaker 8:43
you're just such a stem girl you're

Unknown Speaker 8:47
like You're such like left brain right brain I don't know what side of the brain it is. But I was like what does that mean? She was like you hate everything creative and I was like I love listening to music. I hate it when you pull up the guitar like shut up

Speaker 3 9:01
if you're not ready to drop the heat instantaneously I'm not trying to hear like

Unknown Speaker 9:05
it's crazy and then I also

Speaker 2 9:09
I feel like Ashley's way of like being creative is like we hopping in the studio and missing everybody like that

Unknown Speaker 9:17
cars have our there's a distract guys.

Unknown Speaker 9:18
Yeah, when I tell you me and Ashley like know and

Unknown Speaker 9:21
figure out everything I actually don't really like writing that stuff down in my notes app like

Speaker 2 9:27
journaling. I like like writing think

Unknown Speaker 9:31
guys like there's lots there's nothing happening in my head. No head empty. Like if it's not numbers I just don't see like the best because like I can't I feel a lot. I'm so emotional. But can I express it? No. No. Yeah, I

Speaker 2 9:54
feel like I'm not good with dealing with my emotions either. I feel like I'm just so like, just I have a blast. But

Unknown Speaker 10:00
you're so social, which is so social. She's a gentleman. She's like with me and cats are hanging out. She's like, I want to go socialize, and I gotta go, like love talking to her. Like, I

Speaker 2 10:10
think making connections is just like so fun because it's like,

Unknown Speaker 10:14
you're very comfortable personally. Yeah, you're very safe.

Unknown Speaker 10:17
Yeah. And if it wasn't for her, I would not like do half the things I've done that like any kind of function. Yeah, I guess I have to update you

Speaker 3 10:29
gotten to be I have gotten like front row seat to like all your litter and group Oh, yeah. And a it's like extremely wholesome in a weird way. Like it's like very healthy and wholesome despite the chaos.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
It's so crazy. Well, what

Speaker 3 10:44
I need to be updated on my love life. Me. Okay. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 10:48
we'll do that after pod. Yeah, after pod. This cannot go on. It's

Speaker 2 10:51
too. Okay. But anyways, I was saying that. This really is like the first friend group where it's like, it's so wholesome. Like, there's no negative energy like, at all because I used to, like be friends with the most evil people. And

Unknown Speaker 11:05
it was I think it's because we are so different. So like, there's no like competition in a way like we're not I'm not like secretly like competing. No secret animosity. Yeah. Also, I'm sorry, but like, we all have such different types and guys, so that's never you'll never buy and that's like a big problem with girl friendships. Like I hate to like feed into that. I'm sorry, but it is a big girl friendships.

Speaker 3 11:27
Say guys, because like half the friend group is gay. Yeah. But

Unknown Speaker 11:31
even in their taste and girls, it's so opposite. Yeah. Oh, God. When

Speaker 3 11:35
all sexuality is a spectrum anyway, there's just gonna be that thing of like, oh, but that guy over there? No, no, no.

Unknown Speaker 11:40
Yeah, it's just like, no, like, I think that's what it is like, yeah, competition. So it's like,

Speaker 3 11:46
that's, it's just awesome. Because it's like the insecurity doesn't bleed out. Sick. I think that makes like, that probably makes the biggest difference. Yeah, because you also were very inclusive. Like, yeah, like, all the strong personalities. But then there's also like, the more low key personalities like Ileana is like the sweetest. Oh, here we go. Y'all are just like, oh, yeah, no, she's great and super included. And I was like, awesome. And everyone's everyone's in here. You

Speaker 1 12:09
know what's interesting, too, I mean, the add on like, we also like aren't really drama people. Like when we like or disagree on each other? We will not a thing. Yeah, we will turn it into a fight.

Unknown Speaker 12:20
How do you do you know?

Unknown Speaker 12:23
Because like, I've had my fair share of like, evil girl friendships.

Unknown Speaker 12:26
Oh, so yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 12:28
a lot more common. Yeah, I feel like that's kind of

Unknown Speaker 12:30
it's really common, I guess. Like she was just saying that like it she hasn't had like a friend group like that in a minute. And a lot of them haven't so like I've had Gianna and Kylie my whole life. But I've had other friend groups. Yeah, so I know. But it's girl

Speaker 1 12:42
groups are like scary. It's really also

Unknown Speaker 12:46
guys just as drama and honestly, for guys, sorry, guys. So guys are dirty. Like they don't care. Like girls at least if you're hooking up can I say? Yeah, at least if you're like talking to like one of your girls friend's ex it's a problem it is not a problem with God so, so dirty it's like it's dirty crazy. They

Unknown Speaker 13:07
really just pass they really just pass

Unknown Speaker 13:11
that's like not the vibe that's so weird.

Speaker 3 13:13
Now that's like a really weird like emotional shutdown that a lot of guys guy that did it. Let's be like cool, like hyper compartmentalize. And in that's what it is. It's able they're able to like, turn it off in such a way that like it by denying it it like it justifies whatever they're feeling so they can just, it's that thing of like, oh, after a breakup happens, like, the girl is wrecked for like the short term and then the long term, she's living her best life. The guy is like, I don't care. I'm all fine. And then six months later, that's when they like, breaking point and they just like fall apart then they're like, Oh, we're gonna hurt feelings. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:51
get over your ex is man. Everyone

Unknown Speaker 13:53
just read the hooks like seriously,

Unknown Speaker 13:55
if you're a man with if you're a man with an ex girlfriend, I'm gonna need you to either block or just go be with your soulmate. Like you can't.

Unknown Speaker 14:03
She's unblocked. No, like you shouldn't be

Unknown Speaker 14:05
in contact with your ex.

Speaker 3 14:06
I do believe in like, guys definitely can have just platonic female friends as no problem at all. I have tons of Yeah, yeah. No, I have to say most of my friends are actually women.

Unknown Speaker 14:20
Oh, do you? Do you guys ask Do you agree with that? Because I I think personally that you can be platonically friends with a guy like just like

Speaker 1 14:29
you know why though? This is what I've heard from like my brothers are like from like other men, because my brothers say No, there's not a friendship that exists. Unless they think you're ugly.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
Or honestly, but that's that's just not my childhood friend or your childhood friends you know, because even if your childhood friends they'll still do you dirty like still like they'll still try something and then like if they don't, but honestly, you shouldn't like I wouldn't care if my girlfriend thinks I'm like attractive or not like it's the same thing. Like if you are over here sitting like you're not attracted me and you like girls, like I'm gonna be like, okay.

Speaker 3 15:01
Yeah. Like, I also find that the same thing funny. Like, I don't think it's weird to just acknowledge if someone feels like another person is just like, objectively good looking. Or like it's like it's

Unknown Speaker 15:14
it doesn't mean I'm attracted. Yeah, like just hype your friends up.

Speaker 3 15:17
It's like It's like asking like, it's kind of a way of asking like, oh, you know, how do I look? Or how's the outfit? Or like what's how's the vibe? And they're like, oh, no, you're looking good. Like all all compliment the hell out of my guy friends and I didn't looking handsome. You know what I mean? Like, it's not it's not a weird, but yeah, people make it out to be weird.

Speaker 1 15:34
No, yeah, I agree. It was just so crazy

Speaker 3 15:38
to hear the microphone then you're like, so crazy to hear

Speaker 1 15:41
that from like men to say that? Because they either like she was a sit. No, sometimes. They see you as a sister. They're just like, Oh, she's

Unknown Speaker 15:49
no, don't ever believe a man that says I see you as a sister, don't you? Yeah, he's in love with you. To me. And we're

Speaker 3 15:55
actually do have one of my friends who we do kind of say that we're like brother and sister. But that's because when we met in middle school and became friends, people thought we were related because we genuinely looked like we could be related. So we kind of ran with it. I'm just

Unknown Speaker 16:09
I'm not saying like, it's like a, like 100% red flag.

Unknown Speaker 16:13
It's definitely a red flag, especially like

Unknown Speaker 16:15
in our age. Like, I'm like, There's no way like a guy is mature enough to be like, just like a sister to me. No.

Unknown Speaker 16:24
Tom's not mature enough to be like,

Unknown Speaker 16:26
it's not like that's crazy. I'm

Unknown Speaker 16:29
not healed, my friends.

Speaker 1 16:32
Yeah, please just heal or be emotionally like open

Unknown Speaker 16:35
with you emotionally mature, please. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
But then they're probably algos.

Unknown Speaker 16:40
That's a problem externally then internally which

Unknown Speaker 16:44
ones are always broken and

Unknown Speaker 16:48
you can fix up I can

Unknown Speaker 16:53
be fixed before he talks to me.

Speaker 1 16:55
Right and this is what catches most nationalised because she knows Yeah, she does. I like don't even know

Unknown Speaker 17:02
how I got to this point either. I think it's because

Unknown Speaker 17:04
like W WC D. What would cast Oh,

Speaker 2 17:08
I love that but I think it's because I've had like older sisters like they kind of like showed me that game like they're like dude, like guys. Yeah, guys are gonna be like this and that like, you cannot fall for it. So I've just been like that. Like, I

Unknown Speaker 17:21
do listen to my sister on that she has given me like a few points and then every time I listen to her it always like, like, it always happens like how she says it's gonna happen. I'm like, oh, okay, you might have eight with that little one thing.

Speaker 2 17:32
Like they're always right. They're all she's like as much as you don't want them to be they're always right. Like,

Unknown Speaker 17:37
especially with like, like socially they're always right like with a friend a toxic friend or like a guy they know whether it's crazy

Speaker 2 17:43
because my knees like pinned out who's gonna be my fake friends. Oh, no. Oh, no, they love Oh, Vanessa,

Unknown Speaker 17:54
Vanessa, but like I feel like I haven't gotten to know Brenda like well yeah, cuz we're not good.

Unknown Speaker 18:00
Maybe soon I'm

Unknown Speaker 18:01
learning all this team you know the team. Yeah, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 18:05
I didn't like need everybody's like all of my friends family to like me though. Because I like Yeah, with like, like, so

Speaker 1 18:10
easy. Like you Ashley Oh, so easy to love is so easy because you're so I just

Unknown Speaker 18:16
kind of felt like because like, I'm taking their child. So I need you to be like a little bit trustworthy in me, like Ileana like I need but also that's like a different type of relationship. Like her mom's pretty strict. So I feel like I do need to show my face. They're more like I show up for them. Like I offered to like help around the house and help her little sister with homework and all that. Because I want her mom to have that like trust in us that like we're like not going anywhere. Because Ileana like not to put her on blast, but she's had some pretty nasty friends in the back in the past too. But like, like I feel like I need to prove to like that family.

Speaker 3 18:48
So it sounds like you're meeting them where they're at. Yeah, like

Unknown Speaker 18:54
and I don't know what Ginger's family to like, Ashley you're not

Unknown Speaker 18:57
beating them boyfriend. Oh that's what I do romantically.

Unknown Speaker 19:05
Oh, are your boyfriend your boyfriend? I

Speaker 2 19:12
say that Ashley is like literally like my boyfriend. Oh, sorry,

Unknown Speaker 19:15
Ashley. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 19:16
It's not a bad thing. No, I just think that like all of a sudden I'm showing you guys helping girl friendships and now I'm your boyfriend? No, like I don't have to put everything and I'm like how was a man getting credit for my effort right now stop

Speaker 3 19:32
centering men think you're the one that breaks the Bechtel test more often. Respectfully.

Unknown Speaker 19:40
I just but not unlike a just because I love talking crap about them.

Unknown Speaker 19:43
Even like,

Unknown Speaker 19:45
I love I like love to hate on them. Like what can I say

Speaker 3 19:49
ginger. We're talking before the podcast like sometimes it's just it's great when you're comfortable having haters and you're just like, No, I actually kind of refills my battery a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 19:59
I actually love Being a hater. Yeah, one thing for me, I'm a hater.

Speaker 3 20:03
I don't mind being a hater as long as it's like I'm very confident in like, who it's directed. I love being a hater if it's trying to be. I'm not trying to be like indiscriminate hater. Like, that's not like bad vibes at your point. I

Speaker 2 20:19
never hate on women. I've noticed that but my grades hate on men. It's

Unknown Speaker 20:24
always like if a girl posts like one of the girls.

Speaker 3 20:32
Oh, from bar, no, the second that I saw that movie. I was like, I'm just telling ya, because what it was was when he points out that they're built like, hey, they'll figure out the building the wall the wrong way, you know, they'll figure it all out. And he's like the one that actually has common sense. I'm like, That's me. That's me. Know,

Unknown Speaker 20:48
Like, Oh, my gosh, common sense. Where is that? Why it's not. It's not common.

Unknown Speaker 20:54
It's a skill honestly. And people ask.

Unknown Speaker 20:55
It's not and don't put it on your resume because you're lying. Because there's no way there's also Oh, no, do you know what just happened? Do you know what just like our group our age group doesn't have respect? That's what it is.

Speaker 3 21:11
And it's curious, what do you mean by that? Because that's like, that's the word. No, like,

Unknown Speaker 21:15

Speaker 3 21:17
I'm defending anything. I'm very curious what that actually means. Like, from like a

Unknown Speaker 21:21
romantic standpoint, people do not respect how you look to other people, how you they're making you look how they're, yeah, people don't, especially guys, they don't care how they're making. If they're making you look stupid, they don't care.

Speaker 3 21:34
And the thing is, is they don't even realize that they're doing it. Do they don't care? Yeah, they don't care or they don't notice. And then if you pointed out then it's somehow the other person's problem that the point

Unknown Speaker 21:47
not to get on here and sit in like,

Speaker 3 21:49
I used to be kind of like that when I was younger, so like, not underage. I can talk from experience haven't come around.

Unknown Speaker 21:54
That's good. That's good that you've like, matured and grown. Yeah, you

Speaker 3 21:57
know, I was I was 21 at one point. And now I'm 29. I've learned a few things. You're 29 I'm very young. I know. I have a baby face. Baby face and I'm y'all get hard till I die. So that's yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:10
I'm gonna be forever young.

Speaker 2 22:12
Yeah, me too. I'm gonna be a teenage girl to lie.

Unknown Speaker 22:17
That's so real. But yeah, guys, this honestly girls, two girls who are ministers back home. That's why it's very important to have your group and very important to know like, who you're, but honestly, it's also very important to like have yourself to like, like, like, I just got some crystals from the crystal store about some self love and about like self growth and about like, oh, one of them is for Body Image two.

Unknown Speaker 22:42
That's crazy. I need one

Unknown Speaker 22:45
isn't helped you with your with your unconscious body checking. Oh, just get dragged.

Speaker 3 22:56
I'm not like spilling tea that hasn't already been said. I remember because it was very specific.

Unknown Speaker 23:01
Yeah, but I don't know if like, if you believe in all of that stuff, it just like something. It's just something that it's like a fifth tangible reminder. That's like, hey, like, that's not that healthy for you mentally. So go ahead and just like start fixing your bad habits.

Speaker 3 23:14
I remember when I was starting to figure that stuff out. It was like, You're gonna have your like, instinctual first reaction. And then you can have a split just even a split second pause to have a second thought and and be like, Hold on. Let me let me check myself.

Unknown Speaker 23:26
Which my BFF Cassie right here is on her way to like getting like is literally so helpful. Because I'll be like, dude, no, because I looked this way. People are gonna think this and she's like, What, girl? Because she's so good at like,

Speaker 2 23:40
overthinker. So it's like, dude, like, you guys just need to know. I'm like, you know? Like, confidence is key guys. Nobody can tell if you are thinking the confidence. Surely like Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:52
and I don't know what it is. But like, if anybody else has just like, calm down, you're being dramatic. I'm gonna be like, No, you don't get it. Blah, blah, blah. But when passes like just shut up. I'm like, All right. Okay.

Speaker 3 24:01
That's awesome. Because you like know where she's coming from? Yeah, it's easier to be like, well, that's obviously not like I can read the tone here. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:07
but that's what I'm saying. Because she's twin, so I know.

Speaker 2 24:09
No, like we're genuinely soulmates. When I tell you guys like, this is literally like my other half because it's like, since I'm a Gemini, it's like, to me, she's like the other half. Also,

Unknown Speaker 24:19
my my Libra. So that's another Air sign. So it's like, okay, so what are all the air signs? Libra Aquarius and Gemini. That's only three? Yeah, it's three of each element.

Unknown Speaker 24:29
I thought there was foreign fire signs.

Unknown Speaker 24:32
No. So it's because there's 12 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because there's four elements. 12 signs.

Unknown Speaker 24:40
I always forget. No, I remember that. Libras nurse

Unknown Speaker 24:42
can I say if that's not numbers, I don't see. When I'm plugging numbers, I'm not I'm not listening. I'm not a prophet. But

Unknown Speaker 24:50
to follow that up. The only color I see is green. Okay. All

Unknown Speaker 24:53
right. What color do we how do we get back to this topic? Every single podcast guys I'm so able to see colors I can see how gay ginger is right here I mean look at her video okay no

Speaker 1 25:06
no flying colors right over here I've been so calm and nice this whole pocket now she's gonna go off alright go I love you guys

Unknown Speaker 25:16
okay anyways um What else were we going to talk about? Oh cuz go ahead and tell us about your Spotify rap

Unknown Speaker 25:23
oh yes got it let's talk about it guys so crazy

Speaker 2 25:25
guys because I'm so different from everyone else like literally my Spotify rap was sorry no like from the friend

Unknown Speaker 25:37
a man literally 30 minutes ago just told me that like oh man ironically yes yes yes

Unknown Speaker 25:43
tongue in cheek about it tongue in cheek tongue in cheek

Speaker 2 25:47
okay well my Spotify racked top five was literally all men there was like not one woman on there which is crazy like because all I listened to his rap and rock yeah rock okay let me tell you my top five it was Ken Carson destroy lonely lucky key Glock and Autumn yeah you Oh,

Unknown Speaker 26:06
man manipulator.

Unknown Speaker 26:08
Radiohead in there oh, yeah, I love Radiohead. No, Radiohead, Smith. Brother.

Speaker 2 26:13
My bad guys. But yeah, that's just like all I've listened to and like, you guys all have Taylor Swift and

Speaker 3 26:19
Oh, dogs. So gingers is Taylor Swift and boy genius. Phoebe Bridgers Carolyn Pella check or how I love her.

Unknown Speaker 26:31
That is I don't know, I guess

Unknown Speaker 26:33
on the last one, but I know I got the first three right.

Unknown Speaker 26:36
Radiohead is probably in there. I don't think no Clara maybe your top five. Oh, no, no.

Speaker 1 26:40
Can I tell you who was on my top five and I don't know why. Drake. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 26:45
yeah, Drake was my number two.

Unknown Speaker 26:49
He wasn't in mind though.

Unknown Speaker 26:50
He had a really big year though. If

Unknown Speaker 26:51
you think about it, like Dude, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 1 26:54
He dropped so much job so much. Yeah, the job so but also

Unknown Speaker 26:57
I'm like a big Drake

Speaker 2 26:58
fan. Yeah, I don't listen to Drake that much. I feel like he's just so mainstream, because it's like, do I hear him all the time? But like,

Unknown Speaker 27:06
I just can't like, I just can't not listen to Drake. I

Speaker 3 27:10
love Drake. Mr. Albury then it jumped. Taylor

Unknown Speaker 27:13
Swift was my number one but we're not.

Unknown Speaker 27:15
This was mine too. But like, I am a little surprised.

Speaker 2 27:18
No, it's so crazy. Because you guys are all like soft girl music and it's like I'm just so

Unknown Speaker 27:24
I feel like you still need to give me some credit. Because like, Okay,

Speaker 2 27:29
I'll get some credit. I couldn't get down. Oh, yeah, actually can get like some of my music for ALL

Unknown Speaker 27:36
FOR REAL when me and cause like, just

Speaker 1 27:42
I feel like I just had to mention one of my favorite stories about Cassie isn't even from me. We had a friend Abby and she was telling us how you in seventh grade or like in middle school?

Speaker 2 27:52
Yes. Hi guys. When I tell you I've been ahead of like the rap game. Like I've been listening to rap since like middle middle school. Like it's insane.

Unknown Speaker 28:03
So what was your like? What was your I'm also very into hip hop. So

Unknown Speaker 28:08
I want to know I was, Abby said.

Speaker 2 28:12
IV was listening away. No, Abby said that my homescreen in middle school was 21 Savage. And that is so true. Because I had the biggest crush on 21 Savage. I don't he was ugly. And no, he was not he was never ugly to me. He was so cutie. But yeah, I just like really liked. He got

Unknown Speaker 28:31
fine now. Like now he's fine, but

Speaker 2 28:37
it's so crazy when she brought that up too because I forgot. Because everybody got

Unknown Speaker 28:41
to be posting on her Instagram like his updates or like, like she wouldn't be posted a post to his to her story. So everybody knew

Unknown Speaker 28:48
that you were like stand for long. Yeah, it's like

Unknown Speaker 28:51
I loved him. It's I don't know

Unknown Speaker 28:53
if I mentioned jumped on. But yeah, he got hella

Unknown Speaker 28:55
mainstream. That's why Yeah, I don't

Speaker 2 28:56
really listen to him that much anymore. But he's he's so cool. I mean, it's 21 Savage. Wrong facts if

Unknown Speaker 29:03
you want to come get my brand. That's a that's

Speaker 3 29:06
my Spotify rafter has was like pretty much a combination of like, three different artists that are all like, intrinsically intertwined, so it kind of feels like cheating and then Kero Kero bonito

Unknown Speaker 29:19
looking at people's No,

Speaker 3 29:23
that's crazy. Oh, man, you got a rabbit hole to go down. But no, mine was just different rappers from the exercise the collective so like rev Kill Bill, the rapper and then love sad kid. And then also, always the other artists I can't remember. And then it was like Kero Kero bonito, and I was like, okay, that's so strange to be like, Alright, cool. Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop, hip hop. The

Unknown Speaker 29:49
band, I love it.

Unknown Speaker 29:49
I love looking at people, Spotify raps. It's so funny, and then I'm not gonna lie to you guys. Once he posted that I'm like, now I feel like I gotta go listen to this artist and I go down a rabbit hole and then I'm like, Okay, well, I like this song. And I was just Fun Did

Speaker 1 30:00
you see anyone with like terrible ones? Like one kid AJR AJR was his top it's like the what song?

Unknown Speaker 30:09
Are you actually serious about? Yeah, I'm very surprised by that.

Unknown Speaker 30:12
No one knows you guys will know there's so many there's

Speaker 3 30:20
so AJR I don't know why I know this, but it's like it's just it's just an acronym for like each of the three guys personally Yeah, it's three white guys and one of them wears and wears like oh she's one of them wears like the same like one of those like the like the northern Canadian hats with a flaps over it. Oh

Speaker 1 30:42
let's go out with a bag. Wow Wow, no literally.

Unknown Speaker 30:48
Like what yeah,

Unknown Speaker 30:49
they're so bad.

Speaker 3 30:51
What's the one what's what's the song? It's about like comically

Unknown Speaker 30:54
bad music you

Unknown Speaker 30:56
guys will maybe it was like ironic that it was in response to

Unknown Speaker 31:00
make like Arrested Development music. Bad anyways.

Unknown Speaker 31:05
I don't know. I feel like they post your Spotify rap. Like don't be embarrassed. Like it's funny. I'm not gonna be proud

Speaker 2 31:10
if it's someone that I hated seeing on people's Spotify rap was rod wave. I'm so so sorry. I think he's kind of do not like rod wave at all. Like he's just so

Unknown Speaker 31:20
when people didn't like him on the double XL like it when evil girls are posting Taylor Swift. Like you're not allowed to grow. You're not. Yeah, but whatever. That's just not just my heart. Like if you're my like mortal enemy. If, like, if you're my art and you're listening to the same like song as me like, side I like what are you getting out of this? Like, what are you? Like, she doesn't make music for y'all. She makes music for me

Unknown Speaker 31:45
like media ability, you know?

Unknown Speaker 31:49
Anyways, but we brought cast on here. I don't know why she's being so quiet. Oh, cuz you guys are just, uh, you dropped so much wisdom. I know. The minute you spoke I was so social. And I just love being cast guys. She makes me so social. And it's weird, dude. Even my own. Oh my gosh, I was telling my parents about like, this interaction I had out of party. And like there was like, somebody was recording it. Kylie recorded this like, Wait, this guy, this guy I was talking to. And my mom saw it. She was like, actually so awkward. Like, thank God. She had cast there with her. Thank god like, like, Ginger was there. She was like, she's so awkward. Yeah, my own parents called me awkward and like, I like need. My friend's parents are

Speaker 1 32:31
so funny. My parents are not funny. They're so funny. Okay. Yeah, they are.

Unknown Speaker 32:36
I'm so sorry. They're literally they're like actually chaos and

Unknown Speaker 32:40
we're gonna get them on the podcast

Speaker 2 32:45
Yes, the pause family on the podcast. Oh my gosh. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 32:49
yes. If it happens, you have to entitle it the podcast. Oh, brother. I told you I had that energy. What do you think I'm gonna bring

Speaker 3 33:00
that energy? That is funny. I can't real What else am I gonna do about sneakers? I can grill that's

Unknown Speaker 33:06
so funny. Also, even with like, even with like, this isn't much of a good friend cast is because like even like, I dress oh my gosh, my mom says that I dress like a like a lesbian. Like Ashley

Unknown Speaker 33:17
does but like I will like share

Unknown Speaker 33:19
the jacket right now. Oh, it's

Unknown Speaker 33:22
pretty girl. I

Unknown Speaker 33:23
don't know it's Instagram. It's Pinterest. Okay, it's

Unknown Speaker 33:28
more like Shall we talk about unbalancing

Unknown Speaker 33:33
Shawn energy but like going out like oh, like to this day like baggy hoodie baggy jeans my go to like, like oversized, oversized comfy clothes. I'll

Unknown Speaker 33:42
do it to like every

Unknown Speaker 33:43
foot I also just hate like people be able to see.

Unknown Speaker 33:48
And I want her to embrace it. So she needs to do it. So

Unknown Speaker 33:53
and if it wasn't for cast, like I would not have gone out with like any of the crop tops that I've been in or like and I know that sounds so like, mediocre like so like, miniscule to say like on the radio, but like, it's so huge. It's so because like before like honestly, I think I graduated high school people not knowing and there were like box it's just a box. I just because we're because when you're in school, you're like, No, I'm gonna wear hoodies everyday because it's a class. Yeah, I

Speaker 2 34:20
did not care. Oh, wait, actually, that's okay. Like I did care how I only my senior year though. But like everything else. I didn't really care. Yeah, no,

Unknown Speaker 34:28
I think I wore hoodies and sweats. I was unfortunately that girl.

Speaker 2 34:32
I just don't think I want you guys to radiate confidence. Like that's all I want to see for you guys because I feel like you guys are just such amazing people. And it's like, do

Unknown Speaker 34:40
you think people notice like how much we're together like how much this friend group is together? Yeah, for

Speaker 2 34:45
sure. We always post each other it's literally like you guys are like all on my stories. It's crazy. It's just

Unknown Speaker 34:53
you guys they know too. They're like, Oh, what's the like?

Unknown Speaker 34:58
You guys are like an outsider. And you don't have something to say about us. Please tell me how you proceed. Okay, okay, hold on, but like growing just us as a group just as a group. Don't tell me how you proceed me I'd rather die. Like, do you think like we're a fun group together?

Speaker 2 35:18
So fun together? I think we are so ugly. It's crazy. Because if you guys are not like if you're an outsider, I feel like they wouldn't understand they need to really be

Speaker 3 35:27
okay, but I didn't know you I would be very confused because everyone has very distinct we're just like you mesh extremely well together. But like, you all understand each other. But you won't clearly have your own like, individual like not just obviously interest but like ways of speaking and like expressing yourself. But everyone understands that everyone else. But if like I'm an outsider and I don't know you, I'm just gonna be like, how do they like it?

Unknown Speaker 35:53
How does it go together?

Unknown Speaker 35:53
What is it? How was the brainwave go?

Unknown Speaker 35:55
Literally the Carrie Bradshaw and Samantha Jones and Miranda ha.

Unknown Speaker 35:59
I was gonna say using Second City characters right now.

Unknown Speaker 36:01
Yeah, but you can't say that on air.

Unknown Speaker 36:03
I just did. Okay. It's actually

Unknown Speaker 36:06
Oh, well, I didn't know I didn't want to get censored but I like like, that's like they did girl groups so well in that show when it came out. And like the 2000s. Like, they did. Like they did it did it in 2000. Okay, yeah. And it was so good. I'm like, when they talk the way they talk to each other. That's literally how to be a girl group. Like, like, there'll be at the breakfast table. And Maria and Miranda and Samantha will be saying the most out of pocket stuff. And guess who are Samantha Jones is saying and we're like, Excuse me?

Speaker 2 36:36
I'm always saying like in another universe, we are a show like no somebody is watching us right now.

Speaker 3 36:42
Let's just say that about my friend groups, as well. Like very clearly you just like put a bunch of cameras in the house and then we can be funny we'd be

Unknown Speaker 36:49
we would actually be so late. Yeah, we would get so that's why if we like ever come off the student like radio, we're doing an AV. And still our editors is

Unknown Speaker 36:58
gonna be our editor. Yeah,

Speaker 3 36:59
I'm gonna be the one that's like, editing in the behind the scenes and then also I randomly show up on camera. They're gonna be like, Who's that guy?

Unknown Speaker 37:05
Who is that guy?

Unknown Speaker 37:07
I try to be Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 37:10
Am I gonna listen to this and be like, Oh my gosh, my voice is so ugly.

Speaker 3 37:14
However you sound in your headphones. Actually how you're gonna sound? Yeah, that's the benefit of the fishbowl. I

Unknown Speaker 37:19
don't I don't play this back. Not because I don't want to support you guys, but because hearing my voice back will send me into a spiral that I don't want to go down. Really? But you're hearing it right now. Don't say that. No, no. Don't point that out. Now. You're gonna get ice cream after this with you. We waited for you. But no, no, you're not. Let's get something a little more ice cream.

Unknown Speaker 37:41
The girlfriends kicked me out.

Unknown Speaker 37:42
Okay, don't do that.

Speaker 1 37:47
It's kind of fun to see the pairings though. Because it's like you and Cassie. And Kylie. Gianna. I made those girls know what I mean? Like you got twins. Oh, no,

Unknown Speaker 37:58
no, they're Twin Towers. They're not. So

Unknown Speaker 38:01
you guys are the twins.

Unknown Speaker 38:05
Just because those girls are huge. Like damn. Like, if I woke up guys, and Gianna and Kylie, were standing next to me on my bed. And I'm telling you that building was eight feet tall. It was so

Unknown Speaker 38:19

Unknown Speaker 38:20
Like Victoria's Secret model tall, obviously. Like bougie tall Bad Girl tall. But they

Unknown Speaker 38:28
are not expecting it. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 38:29
I'm like, Oh my God. And then when I see pictures of like the three of us I'm like, why am I

Speaker 1 38:35
so funny, buddy. Another only taller the only tall ones because Vic is shorter than all of us. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 38:42
think because, like for 11 Five foot. I'm

Speaker 3 38:44
always sitting down whenever you guys come in. So I've like never even noticed but I'm also advertised. So like, five years. Four and five. Yeah,

Speaker 1 38:53
that's crazy. I'm yeah, I'm five three. My girlfriend's five nine. Good. Again.

Unknown Speaker 39:02
How insane ginger is like

Unknown Speaker 39:11
mom and dad listen.

Unknown Speaker 39:12
Do you know what I'm okay. I'm just gonna say one thing out of the entire group. Guess who gets the most play? No, it's crazy. Yeah, sure. Genesis Garcia. No, girl. It's definitely you. I'm, I'm

Speaker 1 39:27
settled down. Okay, I found a girlfriend who I love very much. And I love to say that Oregon if you're listening I love Whoa. namedrop was crazy. Yeah. So shout out I have a girlfriend. I'm very happy and I only want to be with her. She was like she's like Can I listen to this? A few episodes. My friends

Unknown Speaker 39:48
be cringe knocking

Speaker 1 39:50
me. Oh, there's got a few. LinkedIn she can't find out. She's gonna know girl. She's gonna give

Unknown Speaker 39:57
me a few shots and like I'm gonna tell you because it's a fun ginger laser, Bonnie like,

Speaker 1 40:04
I told you guys, I don't know if I told the podcast, but my mom was like, Man, why did my kid has to be the weird one? I was like, Y'all

Unknown Speaker 40:10
are the weird one.

Unknown Speaker 40:13
Like, all weird and like

Speaker 1 40:20
well, at least my perspective. Like Cassie would like if we were just on the street and like, you just saw me you'd be like, Oh, she's no, I don't know. I would assume very nice.

Unknown Speaker 40:36
I saw you on the street.

Speaker 3 40:38
Respectfully. We were talking earlier about like we should we should all use late stage capitalistic times, just strive to be goofy and silly at all times. You guys. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 40:47
I have the worst. RBF so when people see me like out in public, I was scared of

Unknown Speaker 40:51
you. I would be scared. Yeah,

Speaker 1 40:54
we can literally can we talk about this? Because even my parents said, because I've had a lot of friends. And even my girlfriend was like, your friend group is terrifying. And I was like, what? And they're like, she's like, they're so terrified. They seem so scary and intimidating. Really? And I laugh every time because I'm like, we're a bunch of losers. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:15
Every single one of you coded

Unknown Speaker 41:18
actually not people you should be scared of. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 41:21
you guys, everybody could so easily hurt my feelings.

Speaker 1 41:24
So like you guys just I mean, like, again, especially Cassie. Today we have like big energy. Like you guys are really big presence, which is like good. You're very social. And you guys are very pretty. And I feel like people like get scared people can

Speaker 3 41:37
obtain in 10. Intimidated by by beauty.

Speaker 1 41:41
is so true. Terrified. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:44
They don't know how to handle it.

Unknown Speaker 41:46
I get intimidated by blonde hair. Anytime you got blonde hair on me, I'm like, you're gonna you're gonna you're probably gonna make me want to die.

Speaker 2 41:58
Gosh, is that what people think about me when I'm in my prime blonde prime

Unknown Speaker 42:02
lot? No, no, you pull it off. You're cute. All right. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 42:05
I can just I just speak Japanese.

Speaker 2 42:07
She's like, Okay, thank you for having me on here guys. This was so fun. I'm gonna

Unknown Speaker 42:16
have me on yet again. It's like a recurring guest.

Unknown Speaker 42:20
recurring guest star Yeah, pretty

Unknown Speaker 42:21
much. Cool.

Speaker 1 42:24
Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

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