Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in
Unknown Speaker 0:04
KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:24
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host ginger, join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up and trying not to break down
Unknown Speaker 0:42
Hey, everyone, thank you for listening to growing pains. I'm Ginger. I'm Kylie. I'm Gianna and we have a special special person in our room that you guys heard her name 1000 times last week because they infamous are so obsessed Ashley Ashley finally we missed her so much we didn't see the full Gabey did I miss one Episode Are you literally missed one single Alright, so you got to do the intro we did last time we said name Big Three and your top song for this week. Okay, my name is Ashley paws.
Unknown Speaker 1:14
Which people have brought to my attention that I'm a first and last name or but we'll get
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we'll get into that later. And then my big three is I'm a Libra Sun we're talking about Zodiac
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I'm a Libra Sun Gemini rising and a Scorpio moon wow and what was what did you say that your top song for the week my top like just in my stats are like what I just feel
Unknown Speaker 1:36
okay, my top song for the week is going to be love is embarrassing by Olivia Oh Rico. Yeah, like guts. Guts. Crazy. To me. It really did crazy things to me
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right into it right into the nitty gritty of the topic today. Yeah, well, we're gonna get to the topic. Okay, okay, okay. All right. Well, the topic this deep by minute big pac man like you don't know her elbow elbow discos D one like I don't know what she's doing right here the Lakers need to send her like she's crazy.
Unknown Speaker 2:11
Alright, so the topic we landed on today was hashtag situation ships survivor. Survivor everybody my nickname in college situation that still is your New York still.
Unknown Speaker 2:22
Ongoing your nickname? I think we should start off with Ashley cuz that's
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a great freshman. She has a great story that actually just happened this week. Episode this whole episode just gonna be Ashley. Well, we can't like okay, well like the thing but situation ships you like I've had to I think I want to say I've I've had like two or three situations, strong one season, but like, the thing with them is you don't know what what's a date and what's not a date? Yeah, so when a guy tells you to pull up to like this, like parking lot right next to his job, you think like, all right, he's just hanging out with his coworkers. And then when you pull up and it turns out to be like a carnival, you're like, is your like, it's a double definitely a day. Definitely a day you definitely but like he never called it a date. So like, obviously, well, it's not a day even though it's like at the spa. Like you know what I mean? It was a date with four of his coworkers. Oh, that's crazy. That's crazy. Um, were there so I was there a very very cool thing about you know, Ashley is that I just get horrible motion sickness. Yeah, she Phoebe Bridgers like oh, yeah, yeah. Not just emotionally though. Real motion sickness. And,
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Unknown Speaker 3:37
and you know, that's the main attraction about carnivals is that they have those fun little cute DIY put together roller coasters. Oh, you gotta hold them this
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putting that together a ticket and they spent at 49,000 miles an hour bout to explode like overheated so when you're so when I'm already like, nervous, nervous, like being there were like, you know, like a man that I want to kill him or die over.
Unknown Speaker 4:03
I'm sorry. I'm already Yeah, I'm already there with like, the worst person in the world. And that's a good name. Yeah, I should just call him that. Yeah, okay. And then he's like get on the ride get on I'm like no like you don't know this about me like Boba like he was a boy. He's okay. So then you get on because you want you want to be cool. And you're playing.
Unknown Speaker 4:23
Like, play it down like and then on top of like that. He's like literally forcing you into the car of the roller coaster. Long story short, I got off the roller coaster instantly threw up right in front of
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me. He was like, I was uh, he was like, let's go to the bathroom. And I was like, Alright, so I'm like, on the way back from the bathroom. There was a trash can right next to me. I was like, Oh, you actually didn't tell me the story. Like I asked him I believed.
Unknown Speaker 4:50
Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, he just sent me just get this mail. He doesn't get us or get you like we do. The second thing we're like, actually, I was like, oh, it's cuz she didn't
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Her motion sickness medicine because when we went to Six Flags, you're like, actually you don't take you don't forget take your little pill. Yeah, I'd pop them so what I'm saying is were more boyfriend than this, man. Amen. Um, I also we also need to have a conversation about how Ashley's literally my boyfriend Oh, yeah, but like, he was honestly really sweet about that, like, after I
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like ran to like the bathroom and I like rinsed out my mouth with like a water bottle. And I like wash it and I was like, they were like, these like, sinks were like, you had to pump the water from
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like, how do I do it? He was like, you can do this and then he like hugged me and like said it wasn't that serious and laughed it off. But like See, that's good, though. Like it was it should have done and he still like hung out with me. And like after like John was there too and after she went home like him and I still hung out after Yeah, it was like, still tried to
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we don't obviously he like still tried to kiss me and he said I threw up on purpose so he wouldn't kiss me and I was like oh, that's a crazy thing. I would do for real
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speak on that. Yeah
Unknown Speaker 6:07
so that's just the newest event that happened by Mind you this was a situation so rushed over so like obviously in context it's like we know why you say that but you said it so quietly when we're all just like
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but I don't know why that's just the newest event with I don't even want to call him a situation ship because he's definitely
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call it if you didn't call us some guy that's around that's some guy some guy but like he really I do just go literally is the definition of some guy like there cannot be any more.
Unknown Speaker 6:41
I'm trying so hard not to name drop his name.
Unknown Speaker 6:45
He's also a first and last name or like a first elasti also let's go back to first the last date for Ashley possibly pause is the most first the last year I've ever met. Yeah. Firstly, last year's just like you have to say the first year Lastly, you can just be like one name. Yeah, and it doesn't apply to any of us because I'm not gonna be like
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ginger. That was my last night ginger Genesis Garcia
Unknown Speaker 7:10
she's like a like a boxers name though. So like that's that is that is a boxers name though. I think I'm I'm like there. I'm almost there. I'm like a butch boxer. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 7:20
That was my name in college. Boxer.
Unknown Speaker 7:26
My god me. Kylie. What's your situation? Yeah. I don't want to name drop either. But this happened to me just over the summer over the course of literally. Oh, this happened at my house.
Unknown Speaker 7:37
Oh, are you gonna talk about what he got wrong?
Unknown Speaker 7:41
Unknown Speaker 7:43
no, no. To talk about the talk about Rob. When we got robbed it was John's birthday. Set the scene Do you on his birthday? 2000 scene. So it was very messy. I guess it was on brown. It was
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a little. It was like journalists Jersey Shore because we were obsessed with sure at the time. And I will previously I was talking to Skye like in November before John's birthday. John's birthday is in April. So months, didn't last like Loki goes to each other. But then all of a sudden, I don't know why girls brains do this. Like, they'll like rewrite hotwire and you start randomly thinking about this random person again, for no reason. Like, oh, something must be happening. Mercury must be playing some tricks. I don't know. But I was like, I was just really bored. I was like, I want this person who back in my life, and then just happen to be on his birthday. I was like, Oh, well, would it be funny if he came?
Unknown Speaker 8:34
He did.
Unknown Speaker 8:38
He did well, because I was a little bit of a mess. So I gave my phone. We all draw. Yeah, you Oh drunk? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:48
He was Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:50
Do you think it was like a horrible kind of drag?
Unknown Speaker 8:53
Box every single man that was in my house that day. Like I still have a theory that Kylie was the one that ripped your towel hanger. I
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think it was my brother. I'm going to be here with you. Okay. Okay. So I just gave I gave my phone to like ginger or friend Jesse. Like, everyone had my phone that night. I was passed. It was tossed around. I did not have her phone. Ashley you did because you sent that address. No, I didn't. Oh, because you came up to me said ginger. What's your Ashley? What's your address? No, I said Ashley look at the text and then you put in the address. Yeah, anyways.
Unknown Speaker 9:30
They pulled up damn Guess I'm filled up with their I'm gonna say this. I don't care because I know there's a possibility of them hearing this pulled up with their loser friends. They were labeled lame. Like I know my point of the night it was a little bit like a lot. A few people have less like 10 There was like that it just wasn't. I don't know. They just came and obviously they expect to something else. I was like, well, obviously you there's some type of disconnect to where if you go somewhere that isn't like popping like crazy rager and you can't have a good time.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
That's something wrong with you, in my opinion. Well, it's because they like feeling like so weird. No, they were just outsiders. Like it wasn't like it was a birthday party. Like it wasn't like a kickback. It was a birthday party. So like they didn't
Unknown Speaker 10:14
the whole backyard with people. I was like, Oh, my wet backyard where my cement was like, still drying. Yeah, I was so nervous about that all night. I no one's gonna fall on this mat. But anyways, I'm not going to finish the slides and kind of embarrassing, but by the end of the night, you're saying by whatever. Well, like no, it's not even shouldn't be that embarrassing. You guys were like talking you were hitting it off. Great. I thought it went great. Like everybody was leaving you guys a load of the kitchen. We're like, Oh, my God. Look at Kylie and that loser. Loser. went great. But so whatever. They leave and I'm like, okay, then we all go to bed. Wake up, chill, go get breakfast. We're all like at this point. It's like, later in the day. We all go home. We're like hungover chillin at home. GR Ashley texted group chat and say, Kylie, did those guys steal? Because Didn't you say, Ashley? They were messing with your baby's toileting? Yeah, well, I remember one of them in the house. And like the little baby house, one of them was it was the not to be rude, but he was huge. He's big. And he was like,
Unknown Speaker 11:15
was it Kylie's guy or no? guy and he was in the house and I was like millions of losers. He came with
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the army, the army. He also actually has a nephew, a little baby nephew. Not a child. I refer to him as my son. Explain what got stuck. You take over. Okay, well, no, your parents are mad. Why? Because three reasons what's in the backyard. That's where he plays so like it was I knew everybody that was coming over up until that point, so I was like, I'm gonna leave his toys up who is going to play like, yeah, like he just drove around these like little toy like automatic cars and stuff, but like who was going to steal that? But he has like a like a literal like a TV battery operated like charge like edge and ran like a
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little coat for like, like a person under like 12 inches, but they didn't take I thought that's what ginger because ginger came up to him. She was like, dude, they're playing with the baby stuff. So it was like what but that was left at the side of my house. And they took like the like, like Tyson like the the stage one where you push it on the like the blue cards that you push with little cupholders. They took that I was like, Damn, that's crazy. That's like 50 bucks. I know. I felt so bad because like, I have to replace this. Like, I'm out. $70 Cuz I'm like, I'm gonna replace this. And I was like, damn, this guy's like, you're gonna bring it back. He's like, No, I got you. I got you. And I I was probably like, super annoyingly. He's like discone selenium alone, but because that's it unfortunately. So like upset Yeah, well, unfortunately, that's like, house party culture though is no I'm not so funny. I'm not gonna lie to you guys. Like I've been a part of some horrible lakes like it's been crazy. Crazy
Unknown Speaker 12:52
bad I literally felt so like that's just like what do you do? What do you like go to a lane party and like people are being weird even though they were being weird but like, you know what I mean? Just going to steal my brother like as my brother one time you steal someone's dog like crazy. This is getting crazy. Like that's just house party culture. Like you just feel like that is but it just
Unknown Speaker 13:15
part of your situation ship story happened after the fact. Because was it you found this person on hinge? Or was it? No, it was you Oh, hold on this person.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
Reportedly I reported him and said that he robbed me.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
So if you did this is playing on campus sometime. You know who you are? Yeah, I don't anyway, yeah. I hope I wasn't the one I was gonna talk about so we my son. Yeah, it was just so funny. Yeah, we didn't talk after that. It's safe to say that you were me who? I don't even what should I even talk about? I we could talk oh, we're gonna talk about high school drama. Yeah, I didn't really talk about like the real one because it was so long ago that now it's embarrassing. No, but God maybe this will be targeted towards women and they'll get it. Oh, should we just do ginger
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cruise you know, can we tell you Okay, no, no no. No.
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specific situation ship with this girl recently the most recent girl Oh, the one that was obsessed with you know, we talked about the length please.
Unknown Speaker 14:20
Let me explain.
Unknown Speaker 14:23
Oh my god. She's
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ready. So there's this girl basically, I want you guys to increment and start talking about seeing your Disney trip. Okay. Yeah. For some reason. Oh, no, no, no, no, she went up to her and I did my like, lesbian thing. I'm like, by the way, you're so beautiful. I don't know it's ever seen gender flirt with a woman it's so discussed actually. Roadmaster God level like intense.
Unknown Speaker 14:49
Like go by the way. You're just so beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
Yeah, it's gonna do because I'm dashing and I'm charming and my smile. Yeah. Okay, well, basically just kind of like theatrical.
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wouldn't see but okay
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Gremlin oh my god
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basically there's this girl we were talking she got into a relationship and then she like she blocked me very
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Unknown Speaker 15:17
relationship this is situation yes yes situation ship okay no she got into a relationship
Unknown Speaker 15:24
so she blocked me was talking to ginger wow
Unknown Speaker 15:28
okay let's okay we're gonna say yeah like you gotta say it right basically yeah I was talking to this girl but she was talking to someone and ginger was talking to the girl at the same time I was talking to my situation ship I just want you to
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know what happened ginger so we liked each other and then she got into a relationship again and then I got a little crazy okay, I saw the friend made her blockage and yes so to pick her up I made her blocked me and then I noticed they broke up because I stalk her account and
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she happened upon it and she woke up in the middle of the night
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to be honest, let's be real guys. Okay, let's be real yeah, I hope that this one person also had like woke up
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at school yeah, so but I do have like I did have a little lesbian like third eye a moment where I'm like, she broke up with her girlfriend.
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Unknown Speaker 16:26
sweat ginger. Like birds were singing that Moni did or had the brain worm where like you can't get someone out of your head yeah, that's what happened to me so little parasite Yeah, the little parasite you
Unknown Speaker 16:40
know it's bad. So I found that they broke up with each other but she's still this girl so help me I'm blocked so I went crazy. And so at first I was like, I have Ileana was there like Mutual's they follow each other on Instagram so Ileana DM term being like
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serious. It was probably for us for her. She was probably like calling the cops. She was like she how many people did you do that dude so me y'all know to
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ginger took my phone and basically DM her through my phone to um there was a moment where I was like well how how far can I go? Because we already DM through another person's account here so God so ginger, what's the response? Oh, yeah, basically the girl was very like she was so unhappy about she's like stop talking to me. This is embarrassing. This is like crazy. Okay, and I was like, This literally wants me still.
Unknown Speaker 17:34
Like I know she wants me I know I know.
Unknown Speaker 17:40
But I'm not gonna lie It's true. It's so true. Okay, it's true when a girl things like that but when a man thinks like that I'm calling the cop Yeah, man. Like so real. Yeah, so ginger took to LinkedIn and found me explaining okay, like I Googled her found her on LinkedIn.
Unknown Speaker 17:56
So I made
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I made a fake account and we were watching this new girl episode where there Addison were already house and the sorority girls basically gave them all these fake names when they signed a petition blah blah blah whatever it's funnier if you say okay,
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I came up with that he came up with I came up with the name a Neela DS
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and the
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obvious reasons we cannot explain the context of the joke but just separate the two names think about it.
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And so I made this a fake account
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she was like not
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are you kidding me needed these. So
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her name is Amina de she was 69
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she was a manager at Domino's for like two decades
Unknown Speaker 18:51
I went to this girl's
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know what a LinkedIn is like it's just a job networking okay
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so the to DC
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Unknown Speaker 19:13
Unknown Speaker 19:17
masterminds just been asleep and did all of this and we woke up and we're like what happened?
Unknown Speaker 19:24
We did we just like ate a Domino's Pizza fell asleep on my bed and then we woke up to ginger like majorly
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Unknown Speaker 19:35
So I go to her account and you can message people on LinkedIn. So with a Nina DS is a cow which I made a whole fake account guys like a whole fake
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don't because what do we need to use any of these one of these? Yeah. And basically
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I texted through LinkedIn. Hey, baby, you blocked? Yeah. I think you blocked me
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Unknown Speaker 20:01
Then right after I said I have a job in query to make it you know the cover up
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but still there the situation ship well it's still achieving saw that no, no probably doesn't even bring it up at all because well, spoiler she unblocked me, but spoiler alert aren't really fresh so your hypothesis was correct she did want you she didn't want me she still does. We're not always right. Always always.
Unknown Speaker 20:33
But yeah, that's that's our situation. Do we see those problem and worse ones do these seem like the problem and I also say one Yeah, cuz you're gonna let me the only like, like gret like only a little like anything of a story I'm gonna tell about my situation ship is that I grew up in front of him. That's the only thing I guess. When you get one.
Unknown Speaker 20:53
She got you robbed. She's not
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Unknown Speaker 20:59
More about biggest
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misleading thing is that anyone who didn't know us would think Oh, Gianna is the square doesn't ever talk to me. Yeah, I was worse was the worst. I don't know why she benched right out the game, but I'm not benched. She's taking I'm on God's timing online
Unknown Speaker 21:21
Yeah, definitely. But she was Caray
Unknown Speaker 21:26
suck it was the worst hot girl summer over my notes up I don't even want to say like what like no no no. Well it's crazy kind of like hot girl summer though not so by the way. If you're okay let's break let's break down the like a skeleton of a situation ship. Let's do this. Okay, already. This is how you know the whiteboard. Yes, I know because oh my god. Okay, I got a whole like PhD in this okay. Is this is this my bread and butter. Okay, this is I'm in the library grinding every night situation chips. That's me. Just kidding. I I always land home. Thank you anyways. Basically, if you're starting to talk to someone, and the weather is heating up, you're gonna be in a situation ship. situation. Oh, yeah. Okay, if you're starting to talk to someone and your main form of communication is Snapchat. You're not gonna You're not. You're not. You're not You're not You're not. You're not that's not your boyfriend. That's not your girlfriend. That's not your girlfriend. That's your number one best friend on Snapchat dogs like I full heartedly like believes Snapchat is like,
Unknown Speaker 22:27
in front of you so nasty. Wherever. Yeah. If you if you if you are Instagram DMing and. And you haven't. If you and you haven't transitioned to text messages in a good like month. Yeah, what happened to that's not your boyfriend. Your girlfriend? Yeah, if if you are messaging, okay on text message, but you're never calling and you're never FaceTiming that's not your boyfriend. If you're okay, if you are so unfortunate. Yeah, this if you are generation of if you have to work with if you are if if you weren't begging to hang out you
Unknown Speaker 23:03
are texting and actively learning about like your interest in their day. And you are not hanging out with them or they are not making plans with you. That is not your boyfriend if they are making plans and it is not a week or three days ahead. That's not your boyfriend. That's not a date. That's two hours before they're born. There were nothing they did. They're already canceled that it wasn't done the last
Unknown Speaker 23:25
one that you said yes, yes. I'm telling you right now. That is not your boyfriend. Have you guys ever seen a situation ship lead into a relationship because
Unknown Speaker 23:35
I don't want to name drop her. I love her. Yeah, you were thinking about saying oh yeah, girl white man's Yes, yes. Oh, and that's
Unknown Speaker 23:43
the worst on witchcraft because like that man who was on the streets he was curry. He's Mr. Vegas. Like he's kid Vegas. Like Vegas. Vegas Jr. Over Vegas, Junior. Just kidding. Good luck to them.
Unknown Speaker 23:59
Yeah, I am always thinking of you guys. Love you kisses. Yeah, if you if you if you have if you plan a date, and he cancels that's not your boyfriend.
Unknown Speaker 24:09
And he didn't reschedule need like after all of these but yeah, this is all imagine that your head by the way, ginger. So
Unknown Speaker 24:18
if I'm Let's see if he texts you and says that or if she texts you or whatever. 2023 and says stop playing games with me. Yeah, we have an audience. Stop playing games with me. That's not your boyfriend. That's not your boyfriend. Yeah, no. If um, who is?
Unknown Speaker 24:37
You? It's funny too. I literally thought because as we got into college, I thought it was gonna be so much easier to be Oh, it's so much worse. No one like approach like no one approaches. Oh, everyone's gonna say I mean people. People approach you but YuGiOh why ugly? Literally the way you're doing warriors.
Unknown Speaker 24:59
Do you have snuck
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Oh, no no, we're grade me alone adults no we don't have snapchat we are so we all do you guys are
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all that crap we just don't call me an active Snapchat user ever again. Guess what she
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no longer streak is actually I guess how long are like 90 days okay, but I opened the app need a drink you guys I needed ease and then I escaped the app never speak if you are snapping a man and he has his snap maps on Oh, okay. Oh, no, no, no. Yes. I'm telling you right now the men that have their SNAP maps on you know like attention Nikki. Like attention. Okay, well you know what we should talk about her sassy man Apocalypse right there like men. I don't know what men nowadays the air. Whatever is going on. This is our Joe Rogan podcast.
Unknown Speaker 25:52
Okay my life truth. Okay, let me tell you guys, let me tell you a value man. A high value man
Unknown Speaker 26:03
in the construction sites building houses Yeah,
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they do. Men need to go back to war.
Unknown Speaker 26:11
So controversial topic of the day mentioned relationship survivors. We also except I won't talk about mine because it's really well it's just like, it's like, if you talk about yourself talk about my old one. Okay. Oh, two years ago Ashley had a friend
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and Oh, nevermind nevermind we're covered everybody Yeah, we gotta we got a short day anyway.
Unknown Speaker 26:36
I wanted to be more than friends and he wanted to be literally nothing ever. That's exactly what we weren't like walk in Maui said he wanted to date me so bad but that because he was Ashley's friend. And then Ashley was like, No, you guys can date and he's like, No, nevermind.
Unknown Speaker 26:53
So that was so that's our situation show
Unknown Speaker 26:58
that's always what happens to me and there Yeah, that was pretty messy. I didn't even talk about the one I wanted to talk about I didn't even like actually say like a real like, but yeah, this is just like a little snippet like we can get into the grid of it. Also, if you're if you're What's your guys's month cut off or like talking to men and you're not like you're not their girlfriend or women? I'm not really I don't have because i i ghosted my situation ship after like, three and a half months of just like snapping back and forth. I ghosted them, like I was like, Okay, I'm talking then. Let's just do real quick. Do we have time to do the song or no? Sorry, we got to work on this. Just do a really good we were gonna really quick let me let him know that he has to cut all that out. Why? Because we already went. No, we didn't. He was hold it up for five. Yeah, okay.
Unknown Speaker 27:46
Okay, so onto the song of the week. Yeah. So
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30 minutes. Actually, I don't want to start West. We're just gonna do the song of the week segment. He's rolling. I don't think he's paying attention to you. Didn't you go first. Okay, so my song of the week is lilac wine by Jeff Buckley. Oh, we're doing loans. Yeah, why don't ya I love Jeff Buckley. love everything about that, man. My song of the week, actually is going to be a little bit silly funny.
Unknown Speaker 28:19
It's yes, no. Okay, from the bottom soundtrack. Oh my god. Charlie movie Love Charlie X. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:27
Go see that movie if you haven't seen that movie? Yeah, it's out of theaters by now. No, no, they got it they got a day or two. I'll do mine. This one I don't know why this one just like I've been listening to a lot lately like real people do by Hosier oh so
Unknown Speaker 28:41
love song is and then also what is it cherry wine cherry those two heavy rotation just because I think he's right now so I haven't seen a lot of the videos
Unknown Speaker 28:52
actually when I do my my song of the week is going to be the very first night by Taylor so oh very on theme with today's I was gonna say that is my situation ship song shadow Travis Kelce yeah
Unknown Speaker 29:07
you're only going to parties with your situation ship that's not your boyfriend. Oh, she still has stuff to add if we didn't need to do we could go on for disgusting amounts of a two parter for this we could next time I'm not going to talk about this white man next time I could talk about the ethnic man next talk about mine. Yeah, no, we should we should dedicate it and separated by race.
Unknown Speaker 29:27
Mine will be short.
Unknown Speaker 29:31
This was growing pains. Second episode this week. Yeah. Situation ship survivor. Yay. So happy we had Ashley. Thank you guys. I probably won't be here next week. Enjoy it. Yeah, thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains talk. hope you tune in next week.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai